The Land of Chocolate… I mean, discounted housewares

Damn. I decided today to vary my lunchhour walking path a little and try out the World’s Biggest Bookstore again, since I was somewhat impressed last time I went in, but had no time to really check the place out. I was in for a surprise. A dreadful, wonderful surprise.

The WBB has a massive clearance area on the second floor, which has all of Chapters/Indigo’s seasonal housewares on at huge discounts. Case in point: I bought what would have been $75 worth of high-quality candles (i.e. THREE candles that retail at an absurd $25 each) for $10 including tax. Pretty awesome. And, for once, pretty necessary, given that they are pleasantly scented candles and our house stinks like ass. Why? Oh, let me tell you!

Our roommate, K-Jo, had guests over on Saturday and we had a puker — a serious, serious puker who FILLED our basement sink with his stomach contents (over 2 gallons, no joke) — and then kindly left on Sunday morning saying he’d cleaned it up, but of course he didn’t. OH NO HE DIDN’T. So JVL and I spent our relaxing weekend day together cleaning up vomit from what is basically our living room area, and yet even today, after the third application of serious baking soda, it stinks. Pee-yew. Gross.

So, scented candles should be a big help with clearing the air in our non-ventilated, no-openable-windows bar area.

Bad news for today: I need to call today with tax info, but there is one little glitch. I cannot FIND said tax info. Not good. In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if I ever registered for the insurance she’s asking me about in the first place. Gulp.

Good news for today: After eating Uli’s delicious carrot cake on the weekend as part of JVL’s birthday celebrations, and watching Paul on TVO, Justin and I will be seeing the two of them for dinner again tonight, as we are all making a field trip to drop off my Nintendo quilt for the March Fever quilt show at Neilsen Park tonight. Yay car rides! Yay dinner!

3 thoughts on “The Land of Chocolate… I mean, discounted housewares

  1. This is why all houses need a party room with a hose and a drain. If Caligula comes over, and spreads stuff that used to be inside his body all over the place, you just have to touch the hose and nothing else.

  2. If you are looking for a great housewarming gift or birthday gift for your darling mother, those candles sound like just the thing. I can see me luxuriating in my bath with the aroma ofsweetly scented candles filling the air…

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