Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

1. Thumbs Down – to the blueberry whole grain/organic/nastily undercooked/blueberries-only-located-on-top-not-actually-in-the muffin I bought today at a new, previously unexplored natural living holistic store in the BMO part of the underground PATH (just past ‘Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory’, across from ‘The Kitchen Table’). So much for starting the day healthy; I threw about 75% of the thing out, because uncooked mealy dough is not the breakfast of champions.

2. Thumbs Up – to Arizona’s new “Chinese Apple Pomegranate Green Tea”, purchased by me this morning to accompany the muffin, at the same holistic foods store. Yum!

3. Thumbs Down – to me not having enough $$$ to get properly waxed for my vacation as just did, but instead having to do it the low-budget, old-fashioned way — shaving — which always gives me awful nightmares about accidentally cutting myself in really delicate places and then of course there is the nasty bumpy regrowth and itchy stubble in areas that should only ever be smooth and silky. Dang, I hate shaving. (ha ha ha… while I was searching for an image of a woman shaving, Google gave me a screen cut from “Shaving Ryan’s Privates” – is anything funnier than porn-name adaptations of real movies?)

4. Thumbs Up – to the sign on Weston Road informing me that there will eventually be a GoodLife Fitness club at the Crossroads Mall! Huzzah. I’ve been whining about the lack of any gym facilities within walking distance of our house for some time, and this would be perfect. I NEED a local gym, people. A personal trainer and local yoga classes would help, too. Please let this gym open sooner rather than later. [edited to add: I called Goodlife’s general inquiry line and they’ve informed me that it’s going to be a women’s only club, scheduled to open August 9th, the same day as the Superstore… groovy!]

5. Thumbs Down – to the lyrics of “Walking in Memphis”. Who the devil is W.C. Handy? Why would anyone be blue if they had a first class ticket? I am utterly baffled by the line “Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale”: WHAT IS BEALE??? And lastly, how can anyone ask “Do I really feel the way I feel?” What kind of question is that? Listen buddy, you either feel it or you don’t. Aside from the rampant use of obscure cultural references in a pop song and the man’s internal conflict about the reality of his own emotions, the singer sees the ghost of Elvis. This dude is not running on all cylinders. What the hell does any of this mean? I have no idea. Why do I care? Why has this stupid, dreadful song been stuck in my head since they played it on Jack FM on the weekend??? Thumbs down to the fact that there are no good answers to any of these questions.

I’m sure there are more thumbs ups, but they’re not coming to mind at the moment and it’s time to get back to work.

Trying to conquer the Phone-O-Phobia with lists: Folks I need to call tonight after getting home from my co-worker’s goodbye party at The Brassierie…

12 thoughts on “Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

  1. WC Handy is known as the “father” of blues.

    I think Beale is the name of a street in Memphis.

  2. Ah, I knew there had to be somebody out there on my F-list who liked the song. And it’s you!

    It certainly has a catchiness to it (as proven by the fact that it’s been on repeat in my head for THREE DAYS NONSTOP SHOOT ME NOW).

    I think it’s just too far outside my realm of understanting/personal taste for me to like it, and the part about “catfish on the table” always makes it sound like a travel advertisement.

    Thanks for the links and the explanations! Now at least I can stop twitching violently every time my brain cruelly replays the part about Beale.

  3. That still doesn’t excuse “do I really feel the way I feel”, which has always annoyed me. Even if it’s a reference to some earlier material i.e. by Elvis, it is STILL DUMB.

    Also, thanks for the earworm of a song I don’t even like. Baaaah.

  4. Real movie names converted to porn

    forrest humps
    How Stella got her tube packed

    that’s all I got.

    -caellum hates LJ

  5. Also, that song sucks monkey balls! Hate hate hate! If I saw that song walking down the street, I would punch it in the sack.

  6. Thanks for the word “earworm”, which instantly transported me to the gross ear worm scene involving poor poor Chekhov in Star Trek II, and caused me to spend time creating this icon.

    Aaarrrggghhh! Khhhaaaaannnn!

  7. Hey! You managed to post without being logged out and sending me a duplicate anonymous message! Good for you!

    Hey! I totally love my newly-birthed Khan icon, and am using it totally inappropriately in this comment. Or is it inappropriate? I can’t tell anymore. Maybe I can FORCE it to relate by saying that I think Khan would loathe the song “Walking in Memphis” even more than he hates both James Kirk and Ceti Alpha V combined.

    Hey! I went to Fabricland on my lunchhour and whimsically purchased my FIRST EVER actual clothing pattern. Simplicity 9958, baybee: how to make your own boxer shorts. Yes, I really did. 🙂

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