OMG. I found out last night that JVL has never seen Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Nor has he seen Star Trek: The Movie. Who have I been living with???!?? Of course, he OWNS the complete Star Trek Movie Collection on DVD. Still in its plastic, of course. But wow. I told him he has to watch it, ASAP, and warned him that he’ll cry. He says that it’s ridiculous to think he could cry while watching a Star Trek movie. Let’s have a little poll about that [and no spoilers about what will make him cry in the comments, please, people — if you know it’s coming, it loses poignancy!]:
Had a bit of a glitch last night when Uli went to pick up my quilt and it was nowhere to be seen, but the Neilson Park people found it eventually and all was well. Also, enjoyed drinking gin and tonics at The Brasserie, where we said goodbye to one of my coworkers who is quitting her job to go backpack through Peru for a few months. Mad props to her for not getting sucked in to the corporate life. It’s hard to give up that paycheck.
Funny incident on way home on the bus: I am trying my first applique project, and with my usual “go big or go home” philosophy, am making a large quilt with two life-size skeletons on it, one lying face-up, one face-down, that I will label as fully as possible by embroidering on the names of all the bones (tibia, ulna, phalanges, etc). Was working on sewing the skull to the black background fabric while sitting on the bus, and a lady sitting next to me looked over, hissed “voodoo!” and then got up and stood at the back of the bus.
Have unusual sore throat that had better go the heck away before next week. No sick for Bahamas! No!
In other news, there will likely be more BSG 2.5 viewing tonight. I won’t let myself get excited, in case there are rampant codec problems again.
How can a person NOT cry when they watch Khan? How?!
I dunno what you guys are using, but works just fine with plain old BitTorrent, and they’ve got all of the eps.
Or e me your address, and I’ll just send you the frackin’ eps. claris_at_nodignity_dot_com.
I’ve not seen Khan, either.
In fact, I’ve not seen any of the ST movies.
Weird. I’m listening to the Wrath of Khan end titles on Winamp right now — which is set to random.
You are a sweetheart! But the problem isn’t so much with the eps themselves, it’s getting our hard drives to speak to the television set. I think we got most of the troubles ironed out over the weekend, it’s just we’ve all grown soft due to the luxury of DVDs where you just put-disc-in-drive-hit-play and presto everything is groovy. Before Buffy came out on DVD, I downloaded every single season, so I should be a pro; I’ve just gotten rusty since they introduced BitTorrent to replace the old fashioned Morpheus/Napster style technology.
Thank you, though! xoxo Pipes
I haven’t seen Wrath of Khan for YEARS. There is something about it that SQUICKS ME OUT and I cannot even think about it without squirming.
(I honestly don’t remember what might make people cry; all I remember is the squicky thing.)
And the voodoo thing? Is the funniest thing I have heard ALL WEEK.
*recovers* *fans self* *thinks about it some more*
*lapses back into faint*
And as far as I recall, JVL has little or no interest in STAR TREK. Without that vital connection, it seems unlikely that he’ll cry at anything that happens in any of the films. I mean, I cry watching STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, but that’s only because it sucks so hard.
And who are you exactly to call ANYONE a geek impostor after the infamous “Gorm” incident?
Oooh! Does this mean that I get to loosen your corset and waft smelling salts under your nose?
Oh, I’m sorry, is THIS the SQUICKIEST THING EVAR?!?!?!
I believe it is. EEEEEEWWWWWWW GROSS! Trust me, you’re not alone. It haunts my nightmares. But I don’t think it’s too too spoilery to show this, since whatever else it may do to JVL (or me, I may vomit), there is only a 6% chance that this scene will make him cry.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nasty things such as night terrors are made of!!
Dude, he does too like Star Trek: he and our current roommate K-Jo used to have a regular date to watch it together on weekend mornings. I mean, obviously he doesn’t love it in the same way I do, or even the same way my Mom does, but he LOVED “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home”, because of all the environmental issues and the pretty whales.
And stop bugging me about the Gorm! Not all of us are as ancient and utterly immersed in Original Trek culture as yourself, oh noble geek-master. I was born AFTER “Star Wars: A New Hope” was made, remember? 😛
If you consider things like that the Nastiest Shit In The History Of Film. There are things in my video collection that would turn your hair white.
And now he’s over here, where the qualifications for geekdom are less stringent. He is mighty among geeks at our house.
Also, now I have to wait till the geekboys are properly distracted by something geeky in order to escape the office and put on pants. Eep!
Only if you’re a very good little girl.
(Or, very wealthy.)
(Or, Sigourney Weaver.)
I cried watching Nemesis, I’m that much of a wuss.
Also? The Ear Worm is terrifying. Really.
VOYAGE HOME is the STAR TREK movie for people who don’t like STAR TREK. That’s actually how you suss them out in polite conversation — “Oh, I saw the one with the whales.”
And if you don’t know what the Gorn is, you don’t really like STAR TREK either. Deal with it.
What? What do you mean he’s at your house? Why isn’t he at work?
*hoping nobody at AA has been given the finger*
ps – ha ha You have no pants ha ha ha
i can see him squirming with the ear worm thing, which i remember from seeing it in the theatre and never really recovering from, but crying? I can’t even remember why i’d cry. Is it Spock snuffing it? it is, isn’t it? C’mon, we know he comes back. It’s not like he’s gone forever, just one installment.
Weepiness should occur when watching Babylon 5, or maybe Battlefield Earth (from laughing too hard), but Star Trek?
You are so full of hooey. As a woman who has been to three Star Trek conventions, AND owns a uniform and a communicator pin, AND has read more than a dozen ST:TNG fan books (mostly the Peter David ones, I really liked ‘Imzadi’ — feel free to state that “Peter David novels are for fans who don’t really like Star Trek” if you will), AND has a Klingon dictionary in the “foreign languages section of my home library, I just don’t think I can support your rather fatuous assertion that I “don’t *really* like STAR TREK” just because I used an “M” instead of an “N” when referring to a classic Trek monster.
And I still think he might cry. It’s an emotional film!
I still love VOYAGE HOME.
I can love it and stil love Star Trek.
No really.
I think *I* might cry now.
(I like the icon!)
Also, Voodoo! (I laughed rather hard when I read that bit of the original post.)
Unfortunately, I am not often a good girl, and I am definitely neither wealthy nor Sigourney Weaver.
What is IDIC?
If you have to Google it, you’ve already lost.
Wrath of Khan is the reason for years of childhood nightmares for me…..eeeeep. The thing in the ear….the thing in the eeeeaaar!!! Oh shit, here we go again 🙂
I think he means that if Voyage home is the only one you’ve seen, you don’t really like Star Trek, not you can’t love Voyage home and love Star Trek at the same time.
Also, I’ve seen him cry over First Contact, and let me tell you, it’s not pretty.
I don’t think there’s been a Star Trek film I haven’t cried while watching. Not that it would come as a surprise to anyone.
True story: when my family saw Khan in the theatre during its original release, my mother, during this scene, reached over and tickled my brother’s ear.
He shot about three feet into the air from a sitting position and is still a little twitchy about it.
I’m more ashamed than proud that I actually know what IDIC means.
I giggled at the end, because I was sure Data’s head was going to go floating past the starfield they showed during the credits. I was actually kind of shocked when it didn’t. I suspect this is the product of consuming too much satirical humour.
Have you read any of the original series ones? I have an awesome one with a species of cat-people that I would be happy to loan you. The author has a really good grasp of cat body language, which is a delightful touch.
Perhaps we can trade it off for my S1 Arrested Development disc 1? (were you able to watch that, btw?)
Amazingly, I think I may have read that one! But yes, I will certainly bring you your AD DVD back – we watched about 6 episodes, then I just couldn’t take the awkwardness and cruelty of the characters to one another any longer and had to stop. You were right, it was too much like the Office for me. JVL liked it, but he’s all into Big Love at the moment, so his TV attention is focused elsewhere. When do you want me to come by? I can drop it off after work any night next week.
I have class Monday and Wednesday, and I’m meeting a former coworker Tuesday… so probably Thursday at the earliest! Busy week, then class ends and I can have a life again. That said, I am going to miss that class.