

Mother nature = 1, Cruel lightless cubicle = 0

Lettuce and alyssum and radishes sprouted over the weekend. Stocks, carrots and beans are a little slow off the ground.

3 thoughts on “Sprouts!

  1. I’m still shocked considering you have *no* light in your cubicle.

  2. So I’m using this b/c I dn’t have your actual email address.

    Artschool Confidential pokes medium-clever fun at the art world and all of the reasons people find to qualify something as art and make technical proficiency irrelevant. I was in the right mood to see it and don’t regret the $12.

  3. They sprouted… but I would evince shock if they managed to survive without sunlight for long.

    and radishes? hmm… no thanks. Asparagus and watercress maybe.

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