– I planted ferns in my front yard under the pine trees at 6:30am this morning *in the rain*. My jacket is plastered with clay mud. I have gone insane for my garden.
– I have class tonight. Will do homework in the 20 minutes before I get to class, hopefully. Bad student. No biscuit.
– I went to quilt guild last night, driven by a nice lady who lives ten minutes from my house. We saw a presentation by Linda Franz, who was eloquent, elegant and inspiring. She has a BA in English from U of T and a law degree, and her very first bed quilt — which she pieced and quilted entirely by hand, in *less than a year* — won first place at the AQS show in Paducah, which is like acting for the first time and winning an Oscar, or skiing for the first time and winning an Olympic gold medal. Freaking unheard of. She was pretty awesome, mostly because her power point presentation showed that she was obsessed with her toy Monkey, chocolate and Jane Austen. I dug it.
– Been shopping around for a rain barrel and debating a drip irrigation system, to be more environmental in watering the yard, since we have two eligible gutter spouts on the east side of the house. How is it that Toronto charges $70 for a barrel at their periodic Environmental Fairs (the next one in my area is inconveniently taking place at the opening of the Weston Farmer’s Market this Saturday, boo-urns) and the Region of Peel sells them for just $50 at their local community centres? Bastards.
– Going to New York in three days to see
– Roommate K-Jo is leaving for Whitehorse on a bus today at noon. Godspeed! For those interested in learning more about her outdoor rafting madness, here is her blog. They are also raising funds for Alzheimer’s research, so please support them if you can.
Psst… have you gotten my emails re: WOSStalgia 2006?
1. The quote has a footnote number but I can’t find the footnote. Where is quote from? Page does not want to tell me.
2. Photo near bottom has made me crave unobtainable Tim Tams. TIM TAMS.
Yay – long weekend goodness. While you’re away, do you think you could pick me up some myhhr?
Re: the Unobtainable Tim Tams, occasionally Sugar Mountain (Yonge & Eg; also one down near Paramount downtown) carries them.
Sorry Dude, it’s her idea of a “literary treasure hunt”.
The monkey page quote is from Chapter 13 of ‘Persuasion’.
As per the Jane Austen obsession, all quotes are from JA novels, and there is a page that explains all footnotes, it’s just not very well cross-linked.
I decided to avoid the wallow in nostalgia of thinking about it too much, but you can count me in to be there. Just pick a date and place and I’ll show up.
Sorry about the lame “on my own LJ” RSVP, but that’s just where I’m at right now. Brain too full of Ryerson class, garden, quilting, legal webpages, etc to be of much use to anyone. 😛
!!!10 years since high school!!!
No way re: myrrh. Imagine explaining sticky brown smokeable substance to border guards as “not hash”. There’s no way that conversation is going well.
Thanks, you have a good weekend too; enjoy class, if you can!
Dammit, now *I* want a Tim Tam, even though I have never eaten one. I guess they look like chocolatey goodness, and if monkeys like them, and they’re virtually unobtainable in North America, then they MUST be good!
Pipes <--- needs to eat lunch ASAP
Bah. Footnotes that aren’t well linked are STILL an objection.
However, your math is right, because apparently I can get Tim Tams practically in my own neighbourhood. Squee!
Speaking of loose-leaf tea, have you been to the House Of Tea on Yonge St? It’s just north of Rosedale station, and it is like an opium den for tea addicts. (The kindly owner is essentially Amy’s dealer: she imports intoxicating dried plants from around the globe, weighs them out by the gram, and sells them in little bags to addicts. And she gives out little ‘sample’ packets to regular customers to get them hooked on new varieties. Seriously, she’s Eric Stoltz in Pulp Fiction, except tiny, Sri Lankan and mellow.)
Marisha, the owner, quite literally travels the world in search of great tea (winner: Best Job Ever award, 2006) and brings back myriad varieties to be enjoyed by the good people of Toronto. Every time we go in, she says she’s got something new for us to try, and suddenly we’re sampling some new variety she’s just brought back from Darjeeling or what have you. Good stuff.
Did you say your roommate was taking a bus to Whitehorse?
I felt I had to mapquest this. Apparently it takes 58 hours and 17 minutes to drive from Toronto to Whitehorse, and that’s with a shortcut through three American states. The forty-sixth (!) leg of the journey involves an unbroken stretch of 870 miles on a single road. The map for this trip displays at a default zoom level showing ALL OF NORTH AMERICA.
It astounds and amazes me that one can travel for twice as long as it took me to get to Thailand (with stops in Taiwan and Singapore) and still be in Canada.