At the Top of the Apple

Saw plenty of action this weekend: some good, some bad.

Bad = Did not go to work on Friday due to rumbly tummy. Then, during evening bus ride to airport, mysteriously lost my wallet. Yes, BEFORE boarding a plane to go to New York for three days. Lost all credit cards, bank card, driver’s licence, health card, Starbucks card, Air Miles card, Fabricland members card… the list goes on. Also, plane was delayed at Pearson before takeoff for almost 4 hours due to poor weather conditions in New York.

Good = still had my passport, plane tickets and $90US, so followed the plan and flew to New York, staying in the extreme north end of Manhattan (Inwood) with .

Weird moment: while waiting for a cab at LaGuardia, and I met one of his high school buddies from Ashland. We talked with this guy, Gregg, for about 15 minutes before we got to the front of the line. Apparently he was in the top four on ‘Survivor: Palau’, but since I don’t watch reality TV unless Kari is forcing me to, and she hadn’t moved in with us when that show was airing, I had no idea who he was and why he was getting gawked at. He seemed pretty cool though.

Spent Saturday at MOMA enjoying Ryan McGinness, Gustav Klimt, Rene Magritte, Jackson Pollock, Vincent VanGogh, and ‘Rhapsody’ by Bartlett which was a very impressive nine-hundred piece mural of steel and enamel. Am now inspired to make a massive applique thumbprint quilt, so must now hunt down some sort of overhead or slide projector. Spent Sunday at the Cloisters, in Medieval heaven, wandering through an herb garden worthy of Cadfael (complete with Monk’s Hood, naturally) and looking at the Unicorn tapestries and some very beautiful sacred art. Ate pizza on Friday and Saturday, had delicious homemade bean burritos on Sunday, met Christina, and rewatched season one of Wildboyz while drinking some Sam Adams light, which was surprisingly tasty. Did not manage to meet up with , alas.

Monday was quiet. picked me up at the airport at 9am with in tow, and we all went to Oakville to install her new TV, visit Dad (who was unusually talkative, and told me I needed a haircut), and then back to Weston again.

Tonight I have class, and more importantly it’s my Fireworks exam. I’m confident I’ll pass, despite the accursed pen tool and loathed vectors, but that means Flash is next. Eek!

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