Good news, kids: humanity doesn’t entirely suck after all!
Some kind soul handed in my wallet to the TTC Lost & Found, complete with all cards, ID ***AND CASH***.
Seriously, I can’t even believe it. I want to hug random people right now. Not that it was loads of cash, but still – $50CDN and $10US is not pocket change. And now I have my student ID back and I don’t have to replace my Health Card, which is good because when you call to get a new one, all you get is a busy signal forever and ever.
Awesome. Way to go, homo sapiens!!!
This is for sure Karma from the wallet I found and then handed in with cash intact after finding it left on the GOTrain three weeks ago
yay!! That exact same thing happened to me about 2 years ago too. I couldn’t believe that someone had actually returned it. No cash was missing….all there. Phew. Of course, the next year it was just plain stolen out of my purse and I had to replace *everything*. Sigh.
so happy for you!
A bit back, midnight_sprint & I were walking in my neighborhood & we ran into Kev randomly. Said hey, moved on, and not three minutes later all of a sudden Kev’s back, tapping me on the shoulder, & hands me my wallet, which it would seem fell out of my pocket about twenty feet before we saw him. Freaky!
Now that we’ve managed wallet-karma, we need to work on winning-lottery-ticket-karma. Indeed.
I found someone’s purse on the dance floor saturday night, and turned it in at the bar. I don’t know if this earns me extra karma, though, since its quite possible that the purse was full of drugs that got the owner busted.
That is so awesome!! There are good people out there. BTW, I totally would return any wallet I found totally intact as well. But I am a very well-raised gal.
Like Earl on My name is Earl. Way to go.
hoorah! hoorah! AND you learned how do new york without it! the adventures!