Happy Friday Everyone!

took the train in today, and she and I raided the Textile Museum’s annual yard sale for fabric. Now I have a bunch of cotton and no plan. Feels good.

Mum upped her awesomeness factor ten-fold by not only buying the fabric for me AND a delicious Japanese lunch, but also by going out of her way to get me the rain barrel my garden and I have always yearned for (well, okay, we’ve been yearning for about three weeks, ever since I started reading up on environmental watering and irrigation practices, but still…)

So tomorrow is a trip to the Weston Farmer’s Market in the morning, followed by rain barrel delivery and installation and then a bunch of gardening.

Gardening to do and Plant Want List

Garden to-do list:
– Trim hedge
– Mow lawn
– remove cedar
– remove oaks(?)
– turn back plot soil
– transplant raspberries
– plant peppers
– plant corn
– plant zucchini/pumpkins
– prune shrubs
– propagate artichoke seeds
– propagate other seeds
– weed front path; plant sedum
– plant stocks?
– Dig asparagus bed; plant asparagus

Garden Acquisitions list:
– peat moss / mulch
– French marigolds (tagetes patula)
– French tarragon (artemisia dracunculus sativa)
– Licorice (glycyrrhiza glabra)
– Japanese horseradish (wasabia japonica)
– Bergamot (monarda didyma)
– Columbine (aquilegia vulgaris)
– Roman chamomile (chamaemelum nobile)
– North American ginseng (panax quinquefolius)
– Echinacea (echinacea purpurea)
– Safflower (carthamus tinctorius)
– Edelweiss (leontopodium alpinum)
– Garlic (allium sativum)
– Prickly pear (opuntia humifusa)
– Potatoes / sweet potatoes?
– greenhouse ($500)

2 thoughts on “Happy Friday Everyone!

  1. Now I’m thinking about rigging a water-collector off our balcony – there’s a spot (that drips into my tomato pot, which doesn’t make my tomatoes happy) where a lot of run-off comes. I could quite easily rig a large funnel running into a bucket. 🙂

  2. Just be careful if you do it to put some mesh over the bucket to keep mosquitoes out; they love to lay eggs in still rainwater, and their gestation cycle is FAST.

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