1) The TTC strike didn’t affect me, other than my GOtrain being packed and the walk up Bay being unusually congested. I was very worried about Justin, since he woke up at 4am this morning to take a bus out to some remote golf course for a work-related fundraising event, and without the bus he had zero chance of getting there in time. Apparently, pre-5am buses still count as being part of the “night before” shift, so he made it out there okay. Not sure how he’ll get home, though.
2) Had a good weekend: Friday night — cut down a cedar and two baby oak trees in the back yard with my trusty power saw. I feel really bad about killing trees, but Justin’s Opa decided to plant 5 large trees in a ten foot square area, and some of them just had to go or they would have all suffered.
Saturday — JVL & I went to Farmer’s Market (no Egg Man, boo hoo!) got rain barrel from Mum and 3 massive bales of peat moss from Paul for the garden, and spent the day trimming the heck out of our parkside hedge, planting, transplanting, feeding, watering, etc. Walked up to the Crossroads Centre, had some delicious Tosta Mista ham & cheese paninis, then walked home. Watched Scrubs, passed out.
Sunday I got up early with JVL, who headed out to the Manulife Run for Research, then baked cookies and lemon squares before 10am (lemon squares turned out gross — note to self, when you run out of all-purpose flour, don’t replace with spelt flour when baking pastries). Dug in the peat, turned soil, planted pumpkins and squash and jalapeno peppers and eggplant. Then showered and went out to see X-Men 3 with some of my girlfriends (can’t talk about it or JVL will kill me), then to Book Club where girlfriends and I had good food, good pina colada and good conversation. Very nice way to spend an evening.
3) Heat! Oh my god I hate it!!! Twenty-seven yesterday. Thirty-one today. It’s not even June yet. Kill me now.
Due to Justin’s very early morning today, we “went to bed” early last night, but I kept tossing and turning because it was sweltering in the bedroom. Justin had changed our flannel sheets for flat cotton, and swapped the duvet for a light quilt, and had the floor fan on. But the fan is noisy as hell *and* it oscillates, so between the loud motor running sounds and the cold-hot-cold-hot fast-moving breeze, I lay awake cursing my climate-induced insomnia until about 2am, when I turned the fan off, and then lay awake because it was too hot to sleep until about 3am, when I turned the fan back on again. As I lay there, hating greenhouse gases, I thought about possible alternatives.
Turn on the AC? It seems silly to do so in May. It’s only going to get hotter, folks. And my environmentalist spirit screams at the thought of burning coal to make electricity to make our house cooler. But what’s the elecrical usage difference between running the fan all night and having the AC set to turn on and off to maintain a lower night temperature? We could also close off all downstairs vents. *Edited to add: Frak. According to one website, Central A/C uses 3500 watts vs. ceiling fan, which uses 15-95 watts.*
Get a ceiling fan? Expensive, and would require installation, but might be worth it. Maintains circulation with less noise and less direct blowing on me.
Sleep downstairs? I really, really considered going to sleep in Kari’s bed on the first floor, or better yet, the sofa in the basement. It was probably COLD in the basement! But there’s only room for one of us on the sofa, and I don’t think Kari would be cool with us crashing on her bed all summer.
Wear soaking wet pyjamas to bed, and let evaporation do it’s thing? Justin is not going to be cool with sleeping next to a soggy woman. I’m damp enough as it is with the very unfemininine perspiration problem I’m facing as temperatures rise into the PipesMelts zone.
Conclusion: move up north, build burrow in hill.
move your bed into the basement, and the couch elsewhere. if you don’t want to run AC and yet want to sleep in the cool, the basement’s the only practical way to go (remember that wee business about heat rising?). either that or shower before you go to bed, don’t towel off, and hope you get to sleep before it all evaporates. 🙂
Honey, get an energy star rates window unit air conditioner. It will save your life!
I love the heat…LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I was out gardening all weekend. You would have been proud:)