Haiku for the Man Next To Me on the Train Who Fell Into a Lake of Aqua Velva
I don’t know how bad
You smelled before the cologne
But now you smell worse.
Seriously, guy:
My nose thinks you’re a man-whore.
Try soap and water.
Haiku for the Woman Walking Upwind of Me on Bay Street Wearing 1.5 Litres of Gucci Rush
Sure, it’s expensive
But drowning yourself in it
Don’t make you richer.
Haven’t you heard of
Moderation in all things?
Obviously not.
Haiku for the 18-year-old 9-months Pregnant Woman Smoking in Nathan Phillips Square
Oh my dear sweet God…
Is Wayne Brady going to have
To slap a bitch?
Take that bullshit out
Of your damn mouth this minute —
Your baby hates you.
I love you!
It’s possible that she only put on a teensy bit of Gucci Rush because, yo, that shit is STRONG. I actually really like the smell of it, but never bought any due to the strongness.
As for the smoking while pregnant? There are no words.
what’s with the Icon? I thought we had a good weekend 🙁 SAD
No, sugar, it’s not like that… I just needed an icon where I was giving the finger, and I didn’t have time to re-photoshop this one.
I’ll change it! Don’t be sad, it was a good weekend. xoxo