Chocolat Extraordinare

Whoa. I just ate a tiny slice of what can only be described as some totally bitchin’ chocolate, courtesy of .It’s a very fine dark chocolate with little crunchy explosions of earl grey tea in it.

Yes, you read correctly: TEA + CHOCOLATE = BITCHIN’ FLAVOUR.

I feel I should also mention that the packaging was (as you can see here) very lovely, and to preserve freshness, the chocolate comes, not in tawdry foil wrap to be shredded and discarded like so much TP, but rather in a dignified and re-sealable packet that closely resembles a tobacco pouch. My mouth was really pissed off as soon as it realized that there was no more where that snippet of heaven came from.

Which lead me to try to find a new dealer of chocolate smack on the web. Which in turn lead me to the realization that Dolfin, the makers of this delectable comestible, also have chocolate bars in Green Aniseed and Red Peppercorn flavour…

…and Fresh Ginger and Green Sencha Tea and Mint Leaf…

…and I think I’m going to be spending a lot of money on the Interweb today. Dammit.

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