Wow. What a totally unproductive work day. There’s an online charity auction that’s keeping everyone glued to their web browsers until 4pm, we had a mini-shower with cake and pop at 2:30pm (which I went on a shopping expedition with to buy balloons and disposable eating utensils with at 11am… let’s just say it wasn’t a brief trip), and I’ve been working on ‘s wedding program cover all morning. Sigh. I have several things due tomorrow, and I can just tell Friday morning is going to be all about panic.
I really wanted to blog today — about our Canada Day barbecue, our houseguests who arrived Saturday and left Tuesday (Phil) and Wednesday () respectively, the coin rolls all over the bar, the baby spiders all over the kitchen, my knitting projects, Canada’s Next Top Model, Twin Peaks season 2 coming out on DVD this November, the awesome new Sasha Baron Cohen movie, my Mum’s upcoming birthday, the wedding I’m going to on Sunday, progress — and setbacks — with fixing our house computers. But all that will just have to wait, as it is the end of the day, and I’m pooped.
Instead, I leave you with images of the scratchboard birds and wings that I drew last night (after watching Top Model and 15 minutes of ‘Wet Hot American Summer’ with Jeaneane Garofalo) for the front and back cover of ‘s program. They say nothing is more intimidating to the artist than the blank white page. I’d like to beg to differ and say the blank black page is pretty frightening, too, especially since there’s no white out if you screw up and put a scratch in the wrong piece of black.

Whoa.. nice birds.
BABY SPIDERS AUGH. I was attacked by three waves of baby spiders in the BEDROOM the other night. If you think I was probably up till about 4am staring at the ceiling and clutching a wad of Kleenex, you are right. EW EW.
TP S2? Really really?
Oh, I love the cover! It’s beautiful.
dear moira. maybe you’ll do the album cover when “fourteen finches” releases their first ep! … that is IF we ever…
That’s gorgeous work!
That’s some crazy-ass talent you’ve got there.
Thank you! Coming from you, that means a lot. 🙂
Yes! Freaking Twin Peaks AT LAST, I KNOW.
The spiders are not keeping me up at night as yet, since their tiny legs can only carry them so far, so fast, and I had Edward take out as many as he could before he left. However, they are ON THE CEILING since they hatched in our light fixture, and oh my good god they keep experimenting with their newfound silk-spinning talents and dropping precipitously close to my head while I’m trying to make tea. Tea should be sacred dammit. There is no room for spider-head-touching during the tea making process. Anyhow, the result is that I stand, staring intently at them, making sure they’re not venturing too far out from the lamp — which I have given up for dead, they’ve swarmed it and it’s never coming back. It’s not what you’d call “productive”, and dinner has been taking longer and longer to make.
So sorry about your bedroom. Personally, I’d start sleeping elsewhere. Like maybe in the office or the kitchen or something.
Thank you! I hope the grooms like it as well; I’ve only heard feedback from one so far.
Hey, you never know, maybe it runs in the family? Nana used to paint… I still have a unicorn she made for me when I was about 10 or 11.
Did you apply to all the coolest retail stores in town yet? Or should I prepare for more houseguests? 😉
Done! The challenge of doing an album cover would be totally awesome. I designed a tattoo for a friend once –a sort of pensive monkey deity– and I loved it. I like working within set limits of space. Let me know when (if) you take it out of the studio and onto vinyl.
Eek, it sounds like you have it worse than I. I’m telling myself I got all of them (hush your noise) because I haven’t seen any since that night. I stood on the bed and on a high stool and squished and squished.
You could spritz your light fixture with hairspray or Windex — that usually at least slows ’em down enough for cleanup.
What I’ve got NOW in the bedroom is tiny baby MOTHS. Yes, I’m aware that if I’d let the baby spiders be the two problems might have cancelled each other out. I don’t care. I’ll take moths any day. Whatever, I don’t own a lot of wool…
Wow. That, my darling, is some AWESOME carving.
Just for my own personal records: is there any relatively obscure art or craft that you haven’t yet mastered?
I am honoured that you would create something so amazing for our wedding! I was expecting a photo of some 70’s porcelain birds. I can’t tell you how much we love your drawings for the program.
The talents you have shared with me have been amazing! Reupholstering, gardening (I have many tomatoes and peppers growing at the moment), graphic design, HTML, I could go on.
You are a gal for all seasons.
I will let you work today, I promise.
Oh my God. After reading about all your spiders, I’m going to have fucking nightmares and I’ll probably get all paranoid and make C check every nook and cranny.
We have a deal: He freaks over mice, I freak over spiders. The end.
No, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah but I know because it was like a close call between the porcelain birds and actually like, making sumthin’ but then I jus’ did it because you know? (I *heart* Vicky Pollard)
These sweet little darlings really were a very close runner-up for the cover of the wedding program… I mean, why mess with perfection?

Thank you for your praise; it’s been a pleasure, and I’ve been well rewarded with mojitos, gazpacho, very nice chocolate and cat visitation rights. JVL and I are both really looking forward to Sunday.
Working now!