Auguries of Innocence

I don’t usually express myself through photo blogging, but last night I took this. It fits my mood this morning, and it reminded me of a fragment of a Blake poem.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

I recorded Book 17 of Homer’s Odyssey last night, where Odysseus returns to his house disguised as a begger and is abused by Penelope’s suitors. I’m set to read Book 18 tonight, where he suffers further taunts, angering him to plot his brutal slaughter of the suitors.

“Man is the vainest of all creatures that have their being upon earth. As long as heaven vouchsafes him health and strength, he thinks that he shall come to no harm hereafter, and even when the blessed gods bring sorrow upon him, he bears it as he needs must, and makes the best of it; for God Almighty gives men their daily minds day by day.”

A dark tale for a dark and stormy day.

3 thoughts on “Auguries of Innocence

  1. Thanks – I don’t usually take photos, so I’m quite pleased with how this one turned out.

    It sounds lame and touchy-feely, but I think having a definite emotion in mind helped me focus on how I wanted it to look.

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