Well, some good news at last: my coworker’s daughter is still hospitalized but seems to be improving – they are recommending that she be read to as much as possible, so some people from our branch will be going to buy books for her at the World’s Biggest Bookstore this week. I’m heading out to the funeral home visitation for his wife this afternoon. The last time I went to one of these was almost a year ago, for the mother of one of Justin’s high school friends, where I met Justin’s ex-girlfriend Megan for the first time.
I also heard from
Saturday was quiet. K-Jo made a delicious roast beef, and Justin and I did our respective things (recording and photo retouching) on our respective computers in our respective adjacent rooms. Sunday was the last day of my catsitting duties, which my Mum kindly drove me down to while we were en route to the Oak, and I repaid her by introducing her to Bulldog Coffee, one of Toronto’s most delectable beverages. We missed Dad, as he was getting showered after lunch, but Mum did a noble job of cleaning out his shaver, and then we went home for a cup of tea and I got help with some knitting.
Yesterday was also the day that Justin, Aaron, K-Jo and I finished watching season 2 of Veronica Mars, ate a prodigious amount of biscotti, stir-fry and apple crisp (we are beginning to seriously fear the onset of gout), saw episode 2 of the new Battlestar, and I uploaded the first four parts of ‘The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales’ to LibriVox. I’ve also begun a thread for reading ‘Roughing It in the Bush’, and will have to make time to complete my chapters owing of ‘The Faerie Queene’ later this week.
We had a lovely, but all too brief visit from our friend Steph, who did a bang-up job of cutting my unruly mane of hair into something that looks like this… except without, you know, me having the face of Linda Evangelista. But that’s really not Steph’s fault.
I slept really fitfully last night; I kept having weird bad dreams about breaking eggs and other bad omens. This morning I woke up and started browsing the Internet. I took a look at the graduate studies sites for UBC’s SLAIS, U of T’s FIS and realized that an MLIS/MISt will take a minimum of 16 months to complete. That’s a little longer than I had in mind to be sans-income, but the deadline for domestic students to apply is February 1, so I have some time to think it over.
How could I not know about this Bulldog Coffee joint? how?? Do I need to go immediately?
Also…why are your photos always so damn cute!? The camera loves you, woman.
Um, yes, you really do need to go to Bulldog, ASAP. They are the barista kings and queens of Toronto, and they have the awards to prove it. I recommend either the Bulldog, or the Bulldog latte, as they come with very attractively patterned foam, but the Americano and Mocha are also excellent.
The camera may love me from time to time, but I assure you, for every one great photo there are about a billion awful, painful photos taken before and after.
I’m sure you can get a load of info on FIS from Edwud. As for UBC, I have a tenuous connection with a grad of the UBC library program I may be able to put you in touch with. Definitely talk to current students/grads. …wish I had, actually.