
This morning is my coworker’s wife’s funeral. It’s happening even as I type this. Poor man. I went to the visitation yesterday, which was sad but it was good to be able to give my friend a hug and see that he’s still capable of standing, smiling, walking around after all this. I have to say though – no matter how I die, please please do not let anyone talk my family into an open casket visitation. Just don’t let that happen.

On a more capricious, less grave, more live-in-the-now note, I realized I’m stupidly overbooked this weekend for Hallowe’en things that I haven’t thought about all week. Two parties Friday, two Saturday, and I’ve only RSVPed to a pumpkin carving evening on Friday with . All of these events are, of course, beginning and ending at the same time, and are not what you’d call conveniently near one another, so party hopping is going to be a challenge. I’m tempted to say that I’ll go to ‘s place Friday and then ‘s place Saturday, but both Saturday parties require full costume, and I’ve got NOTHING.

Earlier this year, Justin and I were playing around with the idea of dressing up as the Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I would be Frylock and he would be MasterShake, we’d force Kari to wear a MeatWad costume, while our friend Aaron went as Carl. This idea, however, would be nearly impossible to pull off last minute, and I just don’t feel like I have the energy to fashion a 6-foot high milkshake container and straw out of… whatever, and then sew myself two dozen yellow french fries and a red fry package with a big-ass jewel on the back before the weekend. I also doubt that Aaron is committed enough to Hallowe’en to shave a bald patch on top of his head, shave his beard leaving only the moustache, and put on a fat suit with a stained wifebeater over top. I don’t even know how the hell we’d try to emulate a wad of ground beef big enough to envelope Kari from head to toe.

Plus, neither Kari nor Aaron actually know or hang out with any of the people whose parties I’ve been invited to, so you see the whole idea is a bust.

Other thoughts I’ve had over the course of the last twelve months include me as Drinky Crow and Justin as Sock Monkey, but oh my god, so many feathers for the one costume and a billion miles of knitted yarn for the other… it’s wildly unfeasible. And I hate copping out and throwing a bedsheet over myself to be a lame-ass ghost, or buying some shitty supermarket Spider Man outfit. I guess I could just wear my good old Star Trek uniform and admit, once and for all, that I am a) a loser, b) a total loser, and c) a complete, utter, unbelievable loser, but I don’t feel I’ve reached that nadir of self-esteem yet, so I’ll hold off a while longer.

Ideas welcome as to how to overcome either or both the scheduling and dress-up issues.

**Edited to Add: I guess Justin and I could do a more manageable homage to the ATHF, paint some cardboard, and dress up as Ignignokt and Err. However, a) that would really only be funny to the two of us, since nobody else we know (Kari and Aaron aside) watch the Aqua Teens, b) it’s been done — see photo, and c) would be almost on-par with the Star Trek uniform idea in nerd-ranking.**

8 thoughts on “Conflicted

  1. I’ve now seen it. And it’s freaking hilarious.

    I would pay cash money to see someone dressed as Meatwad. With the voice.


    Also? *hug*

  2. 1. I bet you were invited to my party first.
    2. My party doesn’t require a costume, but you can’t win a prize if you don’t wear one. Also, the theme is “come dressed as a character”, which is open to WIDE interpretation.

  3. For alternate costume ideas, you could just swing by my place and go through my closet and my costume bin (yes, I said bin – we have an entire rough tote of costumes from previous years).

  4. I watch ATHF! Relgiously!

    And trust me on this. I will have the lamest costume at the party. In fact, it might not even be considered a costume. It’s weak. REAL weak.

  5. Ignignokt and Err would be actually WAY NERDIER than Star Trek uniforms. At least the Average Non-Nerdy Person can recognize Star Trek. (They might accidentally call it “Star Wars”, but we know what they mean.) Dressing up as something nerdy that hardly anyone will recognize is the acme (or possibly nadir) of nerdy Hallowe’en costuming.

  6. Why are you worried about appearing nerdy at Chrissy’s party? Have you SEEN the invitation list? Would it even be possible? Just show up in the damn uniform, relax and have a good time.

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