Awesome Toronto Transit News

Why yes, I am posting a lot this morning while waiting for my cousin to wake up so we can go outside and do things. As some of you may know, I am rather passionate about public transit, particularly in my home city. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw news about the fabled Lower Bay station being put into use for something other than movie crews in the new year. Totally stole this from ‘s LJ, by the way…

For six weekends in early 2007, subway service will take an unusual detour through the fabled Lower Bay Station! Take a ride, see history!

3 thoughts on “Awesome Toronto Transit News

  1. That is pretty awesome. It’s funny how much it just looks like UPPER Bay station, though. 😉

  2. As a kid I grew up in Toronto, so I miss the subway a lot. I liked the round ended exists of some stations.

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