Nothin’ to do all day but open presents, feed dad some lunch and then bum around the house in my new sweater, made with love by Mom, so why not give my other friends who are similarly bumming around watching 90210 reruns on TVtropolis the gift of a long-ass LJ entry to read?
First off, my cousin Keira, previously known as
Sharing a bed with Plague Girl is giving me nightmares about waking up on December 31st with a raging sinus infection. Thoughts of completely crapping out for New Year’s Eve have me recoiling in Howard Hughes-esque horror from her every sneeze and exhalation. Yesterday, I actually yelled “SNEEZE into your SLEEVE, dammit!” and then immediately changed tactics screaming “NO! NO! Wait! You’re wearing MY hoodie!” Sheesh. I need to relax. And swallow nine more vitamin C tablets.
Attempts to introduce
Doctor Who was not such a hit. I briefly debated the pros and cons of showing her Eccleston’s first episode with its atrociously CGIed lava creature, versus Tennant’s first episode where he is either overacting or unconscious, and chose Tennant because dammit he’s cuter. This may have been a bad call because after 10 minutes of watching politely while occasionally giving me the wide-eyed, raised-eyebrows, what-the-fuck-is-this? look, she turned to me and said “you know, I’d be enjoying this a lot more if there was a row of theatre seats and three silhouettes at the bottom of the screen.” Ouch! I think the Doctor just got served.
I’m writing it down, just so it’s on record: I owe
Solved! The mystery of the anonymous gift from Chapters… was from Cait, the cunning wife of my other cousin. She apparently saw a track listing that includes “Osama Got Run Over By a Reindeer” and “Be Claus I Got High” and immediately thought of me. I blame Outlaw Golf.
My Boxing Day to-do list includes:
– see Clive Owen in ‘Children of Men’
– get new clothes due to massive clothing purge on Christmas Eve
– buy this:
I *did* get a beverage fountain for Christmas. Niki arranged it so her brother got it for me, as he can return to his home in Germany in a few days and thus escape Kate’s wrath. Also, he thought it was a great idea and wants to see pictures.
However, it was different brand (Bella Cuisina? Or similar?), and didn’t come with glasses or a ladle.
It does, however, light up like the Rival one.
So I think we’re set?
It is, in fact, this one:
I think the unique (patent pending!) freeze ring is a particular fine innovation: don’t want our FOUNTAIN OF BOOZE getting warm!
i think my aunt got the same beverage fountain as the one you posted. sadly she received it after dinner and so we were not able to use it for xmas dinner today….
but it looked mighty fancy, and am looking forward to christening it next christmas.
Hmm, so what you’re saying is, you still need glasses and maybe a ladle and possibly a three-tier snack tray? I hear ya.
I am sorely tempted to continue the joke with a second beverage fountain, but I don’t want to steal Niki’s brother’s fire (nor do I want to incur Kate’s wrath regarding the even more ludicrous storage & cleaning issues), so I’ll leave it at one.
Yay! Booze fountain! Yay, patented freezer ring!