I think I broke my legs last night at the gym. At least my left leg. From the knee down, it’s been numb -eerily numb- since about 8pm yesterday.
I was doing negative weight training, where you put on more weight than you can technically push, have someone help you move the weights out to full extension, then slowly resist the weight as it eases back into its set position.
Seated on the hip adductor, in the middle of my ninth repetition I thought, “maybe pressing over 200lbs is a bit excessive?” But Tricia (the trainer assisting me with the pullback) was all into it, and said it seemed like a decent amount, given my usual pin of 160lbs.
I’m beginning to suspect that I was the victim of a foiled get-rich-quick scheme wherein Tricia is trying to find the one woman at my gym who can not merely crack walnuts with her thighs, but can in fact transform a charcoal briquette into diamond with them.
I did finish the set, but afterwards I noticed that aside from feeling the burn in my adductor magnus, I wasn’t feeling much of anything below my left knee. I mentioned this to Tricia, who said “that’s weird”, then advised I switch to shoulders, so I forgot about it and figured I pinched a minor nerve and it would go away. But it hasn’t. This morning when I woke up, still numb. Even now, 18 hours later, still numb.
Should I be worried?
er, doctor, anyone? If it’s still numb then yeah, it’s probably a pinched nerve, but go have it checked out. Do not wait and hope it gets better.
Have you been on a plane recently??? Or, planes aside, is there any chance that you’ve been STUNG BY A SCORPION???
Seriously, though, you don’t want your left leg to turn black and fall off below the knee, so I’m thinking a visit to ye olde doctor might not be completely unresonable…
Seconded… heck, it could be anything from a pinched nerve to a blood clot. Check that shit out!