Fuck I Hate the Dentist

I have to go to the dentist tonight to get a tiny cavity between my lower left bicuspids drilled.

I hate being an adult for this reason. Before, my parents had to drag me crying and wailing to the dentist. I was forced to go.

Now, as a grown-up, nobody but me is obliging me to actually show up for this torture. I am the only person responsible for putting my ass into the reclining chair and worst of all, I am paying for the privilege of having a needle stuck into my tiny, tender mouth. Goddammit.

Maybe I’ll ask Dr. Freedman to lay some crazy crunk grillz on me while I’m there.
Diamond, maybe. Gangsta-style, what up?

7 thoughts on “Fuck I Hate the Dentist

  1. Hopefully your insurance is actually paying for it, in the end?

    Otherwise, that adds a whole ‘nother layer of unfun.

    I have no tooth icon, but I am happy for the opportunity to share this little guy again:

  2. 85% coverage, and my plan doesn’t include porcelain, and I refuse to have mercury in my mouth, so out of the $330 total, I paid about $70.

  3. I think that’s a compliment, so thank you?

    Although I also feel that we should both work on expanding our social circle to include more people of non-caucasian heritage. Moving out of Oakville might help me in this regard. So very many white people, and so very little ethnic diversity in my little corner of the 905.

  4. That thing is REALLY creepin’ me out for some reason. I mean, at first, sure, he’s cute, with the li’l smile on his face and everything, but if you watch it for a while it just turns sinister. So many questions! Whose disembodied hand is that, wielding the toothbrush? Teeth don’t have hands! Nor do teeth have nerve endings on their surfaces, so why does he seem to be enjoying the brushing so much, like he’s receiving some kind of cavity-preventing backrub? Why is he gray? Why is he flexible? Why does he have eyes? Why does he have a mouth of his own, with a tongue, but no teeth?


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