Wiisistance Is Futile

As you may be aware, my impulse control is… shall we say, lacking?
Patience is not one of my virtues.
And I wanted a Wii.

Luck + connections + sheer force of will + ca$h = happy end result (thank you, ! and thanks to , as well!)
I now own a Wii.

Got to create her own Mii character, and we played sports together. She loved it. She’s going shopping for her own remote tomorrow, I think. Is it lame to love the Weather Channel? Because zooming out to see the whole globe and then zooming in to check the weather in Hong Kong and then rolling the globe to see what it’s like in Vancouver is captivating.

For now, I only own Sports and Wario Ware (which I bought at Gamearama at Yonge & Eglinton, and I gave the salesguys cupcakes because they looked lonely and one of them blew me a kiss) but soon, soon I will own this – both the game AND the wee vinyl rabbids. Little bunnies! Boo!

23 thoughts on “Wiisistance Is Futile

  1. Ooh! And happy birthday to you! Sorry I’m a little slow, got caught up in the excitement of new gaming – I’m sure you of all people understand. 😉

  2. Thanks,

    Should you wish to you can send messages and miis to other Wiis with other features to come sometime down the road. My wii’s number is 0802 5575 0183 7083. Both people need to enter the others number to make it work.

  3. You are a mad person.

    And shouldn’t that be “sheer force of eiill”?

    Joe, who threw his shoulder out the first time he tried bowling wiith the Wii.

  4. I am repeatedly mocked for the weather channel being a favourite of mine. I like to play games with myself and see how many places I can guess the right weather and temperature for.

    Such a dork.

  5. Hey, you know, the Wii is supposed to be super-portable and stuff. I’m ony sayin’.

  6. Hey congrats. Sorry my connection fell through for you.

    Do you work up at Yonge and Eg? Cause that’s where I work! I shop at Gamerama all the time!

  7. No, no, thank you for finding me one! If it had been a few weeks later, I would probably have paid that for it in a heartbeat, but as it was, I got lucky and found one that was un-modded.

    I don’t work at Yonge & Eg, that’s just where I had to go to divest myself of a fistful of $20 and $50 bills to get my black market videogame equipment. Since I was already in the ‘hood (which is lovely!), I thought what the hell and picked up cupcakes and a used game as well.

  8. What kind of cupcakes did you buy???

    < painful joke > No, no, MoFo. It’s the OTHER word that sounds like Wii that’s supposed to make you crave cupcakes! < /painful joke >

    (sorry. I’m weak.)

  9. Portable, my ass! It’s portable like a big freakin’ chunk of LEAD is portable. For a tiny wee game system, it weighs a ton. Now the gamecube – THAT is portable, with its feather weight and purse-like carrying handle.

    But since what you’re really asking is “can it be moved back and forth from Oakville to Forest Hill?”, the answer is hells, yeah. 🙂

  10. Congrats!! (I don’t understand the whole Wii thing, but I take it it’s a big deal to those who do!)


  11. Yeah, this is a little weird: I feel like I’ve just given birth or something, with all the congratulations!

    It’s nice, but strange – all I did was pay out a big hunk of cash for something hard to find.

    Still, since I’m unlikely to make a baby anytime soon (or even get practice at making them, for that matter *sob*) I’ll take kudos wherever I can get them.

  12. Ewwww. I don’t need to hear about how my cousin “likes to play games with herself”. Leave the masturbation talk at home, please. My mother reads this.


  13. Caramel vanilla sounds amazing, as does Oreo chocolate. Not sure what my thoughts are on fruit-flavoured (fruit-containing?) cupcakes. What were they like?

  14. Well then I’m glad to have helped. 🙂
    Just for interest’s sake, where did you get cupcakes from around here?

    Next time yuir in the ‘hood, drop by! I’m in the monolithic building with the Canadian Tire logo on the south side of Yonge. Can’t miss it!

  15. I just get a headache sometime after I play that game everytime. It’s no fun…why me God WHY!?!

    I usually switch over to Bully to cause mischief!

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