Home Sick

Well, I am home from my travels, but the illness that kept my poor Auntie coughing throughout our trip has finally found its virile, unpleasant way into my lungs and sinuses. I am sick. Hoping to be better in a day or two, so that I can visit folks that I’ve been missing and show my loot around. Am spending today with my feet up, drinking infinite cups of tea, hot lemon and scotch, and watching the last of Season 2 Doctor Who (almost done ‘Doomsday’).

Two unrelated items to close off:

1) With endless thanks to Brett for pointing me in the direction of being a pre-publication book reviewer for Harper Collins, I am ecstatic to announce that I have in my hot little hands an advance copy of the new Michael Chabon book, ‘The Yiddish Policeman’s Union’, due to be available at your local bookstore as of May 1st.

As usual, Chabon is writing directly up my alley of weird and wonderful personal fetishes. Having already covered the ground of comic books, hothouses, Sherlock Holmes, bees and escape artists, he is now drilling ever closer to the secret heart of my weird inner life by writing an unusual noir thriller set in Alaska, involving chess. Seriously, I’ll take ten to one odds that his next book involves pinatas and a few cheerleaders. Will give you the skinny on how I like this book over the next few weeks, before submitting my formal review to the publisher. So far, the cover art is fantastic (don’t be fooled – I thought it was Chris Ware, but it’s not).

2) At the request of , I give you today’s number one most desired home entertainment luxury item that should be sitting in my living room if I had an extra fifteen thousand quid to spare… the Good vs. Evil Foosball Table! There are only TWENTY of these sweet babies available on Earth and I WANTS ONE.

On the team of Evil XI we have: Pot, Lucifer, Calgula, Ripper (as in Jack), Impaler (as in Vlad the), Hitler, Macbeth (as in Lady), Hyde, Klebb (as in Rosa), Amin, Catcher (as in the Child). Playing for Good XI we have: Claus (as in Santa), More (as in Sir Thomas), Moore (as in Bobby), Gordon (as in Flash), Robin (as in Christopher), God, Assisi, Jekyll, Poppins, Teresa, M.K. Gandhi.

6 thoughts on “Home Sick

  1. I have seen maybe half an episode of the new Doctor Who but that didn’t stop me from picking up the soundtrack. The track called Doomsday (presumably from the episode you mentioned) is my hands down favorite with the female vocalist exhibiting a wonderful mixture of sorrow and defiance. Hope the episode was a good one to go alongside it. Feel better soon.

  2. That FuBball table is awesome, I need me one of those when I get a house!

    *I see that you are into graphic novels. This is a new found hobby of mine. What can you recommend for a beginner? I am just about to read “The Pride of Baghdad.*

  3. Who is the referee? The Universe? That fucker always favors Team Evil. I had some hope that Team Amoral might make it into the finals, but they had some trouble with injuries.

  4. My desire to make collectable cards with essential player stats is almost overwhelming. Imagine it…

    Santa Claus (aka “Jolly Fatboy”): 5’10”, 289lbs. Poor cardio endurance due to too many cookies. Sly bastard makes for a good goalie strictly based on general girth and ability to slide thanks to practice in chimneys.

    Adolf Hitler (aka “The Beast of Berlin”): 5’8″, 156lbs. Despite being a non-smoking vegetarian, this man has never touched a pigskin and health complaints include irritable bowel syndrome, skin lesions, irregular heartbeat, tremors due to Parkinson’s disease, syphilis and a meth addiction. Decent strategist, good for building team spirit, weak player.

    Mother Teresa (aka “Saint of the Gutters”)- 4’10”, 97lbs. Obviously a better bowler than a footballer, see nickname. Short, underweight, and elderly. But don’t let the pacemaker fool you: this tough little lady is all about sacrifice and can sometimes pull off miracles.

    Idi Amin Dada (aka “Lord of All Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular”) – 6’3″, 230lbs. Serious contender. Raging megalomania and propensity towards genocide combine with army training to create a formidable opponent. Amin held Uganda’s light heavyweight boxing championship from 1951 to 1960. In an internal memo, the British Foreign Office described him as “A splendid type and a good football player”. Admires his fellow teammate Adolf, but the feeling is not mutual.

  5. File under: Most Awesome Foosball Table Ever. Can the evil team cheat? Does the good team always win anyway? These are the questions that matter.

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