Well, I ran my first half-marathon this morning. I’m sad that my time wasn’t better – I finished 21.5km in just over 2:20 (I think: chip results aren’t in yet, so that was just my iPod’s estimation) but my left thigh injury is really quite bad, so I’m happy to have finished at all.
I started to feel a distinct twinge in my left hip about 14km into the race, and it just got worse from there. The last 3km saw me crying all the way to the finish line. There was a genuine sense of kinship with Terry Fox as I limped my way home. I am now in bed with an ice pack, rather than joining my Mum for her mother’s day brunch. Oh, the guilt. Still, she’s out wearing my medal, so a little bit of me went with her.
I thought I had ilio-tibial band tendonitis, but the more I read about injuries on the web, the more I think it’s one of the following three things, based on location, duration and strength of pain: 1) hip bursitis, 2) labral tear, or 3) stress fracture of the hip. Although the last option is the worst, they’re all bad in terms of recovery time, which ranges from 6 to 8 weeks with little in the way of therapy options beyond rest, icing and stretching. Where are my miracle cures? Come on, people, I can’t stop running for two months! Plus, I have viking boating starting tomorrow! I need legs for that!
In other news, yesterday was the Sante wine festival, which was a blast as always. There were about 15 folks out and about, enjoying the goodness of the grape, including very few “regulars” (
I also see that I neglected to blog about last weekend (have been very strung-out about this thigh injury, especially since I’ve got a planned two-person race in late August and am currently experiencing difficulty hobbling to the toilet). Last weekend was also raucous and totally awesome. A big two-birthday evening on Saturday, with
Later, after about 4 hours at J&J’s, when the birthday girl was looking a little overstimulated and ready for a nap, we nipped out and got a cab to Chris’s sketchy warehouse/home for Josh’s big “30 is the new 40” party until about 3am. Sunday was the start of the kickball season, so I hung out with
That’s about all for my news at the moment. Still trying to get my 6 months of travel planned. Have decided to move my trip to North Africa back to October/November since
I’ve been given raised eyebrows for going to Turkey during a period of protesting and apparent “civil unrest” due to the threatened military coup in the event of a non-secular President taking over the government, but honestly, given that this is a country that borders 3 seas, 8 countries (two of which are Iran and Iraq), and is a predominantly Muslim nation populated by Kurds, Circassians, Roma, Arabs, Greeks, Armenians and Jews, I’m satisfied that their largest political concern is about remaining secular. Absolutely! Stay secular! Keep religion out of state matters! And how can I not want to visit the Celsus Library in Ephesus, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, or witness the chimaera fires that dance eternally about the Lycian Way on the hillside above the Temple of Hephaistos? How often do you get to see the breath of a creature that’s part lion, part python and part goat spew out of the rocky ground? It’s a must-see.
Hope you are all well. Will post more now that I’m gimped up in bed with a terribly sore leg and no entertainment but my laptop and Doctor Who.
I will never understand how I bore life before Sante.
i’ll let you know what the situation is like in Turkey, seeing as i’ll be there next week. apparently most of the unrest is in the eastern regions of the country, so i don’t think it should be toooo bad.
do i have your current address? do you want to send it to me (email or facebook) so that i can send you a postcard? let me know.
Congratulations, half-marathon goddess.
Meanwhile, there’s a product called Tiger Balm. it’s like chinese Ben-Gay. I dunno if you can get it up north, but I know several massage therapists that swear by it, & as the girl whose hip actually sits slightly crooked in its socket & therefore can emit an audible popping noise whenever I feel like grossing my companions out, I highly endorse it.
i second the endorsement; tiger balm is amazing, we used to bring it home from the philippines all the time. we even used it for mosquito bites (believe it or not, it works).
Just so you know, there is a jar of Tiger Balm in the medicine cabinet (if you can hobble that far and your painkillers haven’t yet taken effect). You are still the pride of my life and I exuded an overweening sense of conceit wearing your hard won medal at the mothers’ day luncheon…
…it is pretty hot in August. But not that hot.
PS. Stop damaging yourself, or I will make good on my threat to strap you into a personalized Handy-Capable Moira Toboggan/Wheelchair for the duration of your trip here in August.
Grand Canyon Average Temperatures
Running Fast and Injury Free by Gordon Pirie