13 thoughts on “Finally, someone who understands

  1. you know, I had to run that through a search engine to figure out what it was.

    I don’t get it. Then again, I almost never deviate from the default font in any program I use.

  2. Bwah! I love it. I’m the editing/formatting/font/whatever person at my company, right? Trust me…there’s a ban on Comic Sans. Next in line is Times New Roman. Blah blah blah. Someone sent me something in comic sans once and I almost shit my pants.

  3. i’m sorry i missed this when it was originally posted. and i would be there with a knife in a millisecond thrashing at jugulars.

    fucking comic sans.

  4. Hi

    Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!


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