After nearly a decade of renting my apartment on Bloor, my corporate tenants decided to say “Sayonara” and have headed back to the Land of the Rising Sun.
A Japanese English-teacher recruiting firm, they no longer had a Toronto executive to fill the suite, so my other apartment is now open and available. Anyone looking for a one-bedroom with jacuzzi in Yorkville?
I’ll be renovating it during the month of May – painting the walls (volunteers welcome! beer incentives provided!), getting the carpet torn out and laminate flooring put down, etc – and all this means that the furniture has to go.
If you are looking for “pre-loved” furnishings, from 80s dressers to 50s sideboards to 70s sofas, I may or may not be able to help.
Check out my lacklustre, half-hearted Craigslist posting for more details:
Feel free to lowball me on prices if you see anything you like. By lowball I mean “$10 and a case of beer”. I am also willing to accept barter for furniture, and in some cases possibly services, if those services include massage, cooking and/or butlering for me, or a really solid tarot card reading. Seriously, this crap all has to go within two weeks and I don’t own a van so I can’t drive it to Goodwill. Help me out here, people.
Getting back to my original story: my Japanese tenants left, but they didn’t quite clear everything out before they handed back the keys. Here are photos of a few things I found around the apartment today when I was cleaning out drawers and cupboards. Some of them are familiar to me. I grasp their purpose, even if I can’t read the packaging. Some of these items alarm and confound me. I have no clue whatsoever as to what they do.
I would be very happy if anyone with experience reading Kanji could help me to understand what the hell some of these packages are all about (ahem, , this means you).
Ramen Noodles
A selection of random deep-fried noodles. |
Miso Soup Mix
Two packages of miso soup mix, with freeze dried spinach packets. Looks like space food for astronauts. |
Creepy Blue Bobble Head Creature
I do not know or seek to understand what this creature’s purpose is. I simply wish it would stop slowly rocking its head back and forth inside its packaging. I don’t even think it’s battery operated, although the packaging is all in Japanese so I can’t be sure. Which means, clearly, that it is SATAN POWERED! |
No Freaking Clue
Glue? Nail polish? Salad dressing?
I just don’t know. I can’t translate a single word on the bottle except the number “90” shown on the front. I have sniffed it – the scent is innocuous, totally inoffensive and unidentifiable – and will say it’s not very viscous. That is to say, it’s runny like water, not thick like glue. |
Cleaning Product?
Either these are small, ineffectual rags for cleaning my toilet, or I’m supposed to use them to make diamonds erupt from the porcelain bowl. I’ll never know until I try. Which will be never. |
Burning Demon Bunnies?
Um, yeah. So this has rabbits on it. And their eyes are red. And they appear to be melting into a bed of hot coals. And they appear to be enjoying the sensation. Rabbit Dad is wearing glasses; I guess he’s myopic. Rabbit Son is giving us the “thumbs up!” The grotesque amount of plastic packaging encloses what appears to be a rag not unlike the one I can use to summon my toilet genie. There is no English of any kind on the packaging. Puzzlement grips me. |
What you MUST NOT DO with Dandan!
This is the back of the Dandan package, which outlines, with clear and helpful graphic depictions, when and how Dandan should not be used. Do not use your right hand to operate Dandan. Do not open the Dandan package from right to left. Do not use Dandan while sitting at your desk. Do not use Dandan while asleep in your bed. Do not allow 3 dots and a square hovering above a bed of three parallel lines come anywhere near Dandan. |
Dandan, made by MyCoal
Well, I’m stumped. It has English on it, sure, but I have no clue as to the purpose of Dandan. I know it’s made by MyCoal. I know something happens to it at 68 and 53 degrees celsius (which is pretty damn hot, come to think of it). And I know it is 13cm x 9.5cm. But as to which orifice you should insert it into, or what household object you can polish with it, or how you add it to a meal as part of a daily balanced diet…? I am Lost in Translation. |
Miso Soup Bowls
An excellent accompaniment to the freeze-fried miso soup packets. Also, very attractive; I like the dark red colour and gold smudges on the covers. |
Rice and Rice Cooker
This brings me great delight. I’ve always wanted a rice cooker, since I consistently FAIL at cooking rice in a pot. And having one reminds me of living with my beloved ex-roommate . Also, hey, free sushi rice to put in it. Now all I need is an industrial-sized vat of pickled sushi ginger. |
The creepy blue bobble-head thing has a fraternal pink twin in the cubicle across from mine at work. It’s solar powered, and eventually (like, over a span of years) will lose its ability to constantly nod. The twin’s feet move, as well as its head. It’s sort of hypnotic.
That is awesome stuff, but I regret, bemoan and bewail the lack of engrish.
I don’t want any of this stuff, but your descriptions of it totally made my rainy morning better!
There’s a japanese dude in my office (doesn’t read kanji) who has a green bobble-headed bastard just like that one.
Also, I think the toilet sparkle thingies are the japanese equivalents of Lysol Wipes.
Anyone looking for a one-bedroom with jacuzzi in Yorkville?
I’m in the market for an apartment right now. What’s the rent and location?