The many years of lazy weekends as a student are now just a fading memory as I plunge into the ever-more-hectic reality of adulthood. Yesterday I spent the morning with
After that, I did a Bloor-only nod to Free Comic Book Day, and despite the pouring rain managed to get
We then went for brunch at Insomnia, I suffered a massive asthma attack, phoned Aly to keep myself from passing out, then decided that given the lack of oxygen all I could handle for that afternoon was Disney. I stopped in at Bay Street Video, had a nice conversation with the cashier (would it be so wrong to apply for a part-time job at Bay Street Video?) then took home Enchanted, which was warmly recommended to me by several people, including my friend Phil Westoby who is generally speaking a Disney-hater.
I watched it, and although the scene with the dancing cockroaches was amusing, I just can’t get into films where there’s a partner “swap”. I didn’t like it in ‘You’ve Got Mail’ and I didn’t like it in this film either. I don’t care if she ended up with Prince Charming; if I were the girl Patrick Dempsey was about to propose to, who he then dumped in 2 days for Giselle, I’d be pissed. That’s the patented Disney twist, I guess: all happy endings, and no litigation.
Today I face the young urbanite problem of too many commitments, not enough weekend. I’m double booked. Literally and figuratively. I am a member of two book clubs – a recently formed one with my university peeps where we’re reading ‘The Stone Carvers
‘ by Jane Urquhart (I like) and another that I’ve been in for years with my high school girlfriends, where we’re reading ‘Everything is Illuminated
‘ by Jonathan Safran Foer. The problem being, today is the day we’re supposed to discuss ‘Everything Is Illuminated’, but I’m supposed to be taking birthday boy Brett out for brunch and then escorting him to his surprise birthday party this afternoon.
Clearly Brett’s big day takes precedence, and although I’m bummed out about not seeing my people – I don’t get enough opportunities to hang out with
Okay, now I’m getting worried…
I have checked out The Stone Carvers – we’ll see how far I get!
After a quick power wash in the rear yard, the component parts were soaked in very hot water containing a mixture of dish-washing soap and ammonia – twice. Got most of the crap washed away, however, the actual filters still have remnants of the, by now, pale yellow oil deposits enmeshed within them. I will see if I can get replacement filters, but if not, the current ones will have to do for a while longer.
I wonder what we will find when we pull the stove out…???
Much love
Will look into it…thanks!