Electric Striped Noro Scarf

Going on a road trip to Saranac Lake, NY for Thanksgiving and I need a quick and easy project to keep my hands busy while I sit shotgun for the drive there so I can entertain the driver. Of course, the awfully addictive quality of this knit means I’ve already finished my first two balls and I haven’t even packed yet! Sigh. Might have to do another as soon as I get back. Can’t believe I’m making another $40 scarf. Resolve: next time, sweater-vest!

Oct 10: Finished! Obsessive to knit, really squishy to wear. Need to wash it; not going to “block” it exactly, just want to soften up the yarn a little.

Audiobook: Knit while listening to Ian Carmichael read “Clouds of Witness”, a Lord Peter Wimsey mystery by Dorothy L. Sayers. Really good!

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