This Is It

As I turn a new page in my quest for total narcissistic solipsism, I begin my second bloody online journal. I hope you’re happy, Aitchison. I did this entirely at your behest. Now the world has to put up with twice as much crap from my soiled mind. I have nothing more to say, except that I think this livejournal will be used mostly as a place where people can comment on the much larger, long-winded entries on my diaryland page. And perhaps I will make this the repository of brief and pointed commentary on my day-to-day. Or maybe I will write here in an entirely different style. Or in French. Or exclusively in the format of T-Rex and Stegasaurus conversing. Who knows? Who cares? We’re about to find out…

2 thoughts on “This Is It

  1. ah! ah!

    eeeeexcellent, smithers.

    i feel like there should be some sort of female computer-generated voice that speaks when you use a swipe card on a locked door in those sci-fi films, or star trek, or something: “welcome to LJ. you now have access to all locked entries. enjoy your stay.”

    (though admittedly, there aren’t a whole lot of those lately. hmm.)

    by the way, happy to hear that wesley is back and alive. oh, and i went to yoga here! yoga society wear to follow soonish…

  2. Sucked. in.

    In other news, now you can read all my wonderfully exciting friends-locked entries, in which I discuss such wonders of the universe as “stuff about my job,” “stuff about my freelance work” and even “stuff about my website.”

    I am a dull, dull person.

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