Bloody hell. In my continued attempt to escape the challenge of actually sitting down and *writing* my article, I wrote the Myers Briggs Personality Test instead.
But there’s no escape to be found! No solace, no comfort, no justification of my sloth by virtue of my inner arborist wanting me to plant and prune trees rather than slaughter them and write all over their pounded, pulpy corpses. It would seem I’m doomed to wield a pen (or keyboard), not a chainsaw as I’d so hoped.
Stupid white-collar-oriented standardized tests. Apparently, I’m an ENFP: Extroverted (E) 75% / Intuitive (N) 64.86% / Feeling (F) 55.17% / Perceiving (P) 56.76%

ENFP – “Journalist”. Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
You’re doomed, dude.
Also, how was the hangover (if there was one at all)?
There’s no easy online test result I can link to, for I am an oddity: ESXP: Promoter/Performer. Obviously, I don’t know whether to be on-stage, or backstage; an irony which hasn’t lost its zest in real life.
Still, the pill is easier swallowed when coupled with the knowledge of Which Star Trek Personality your result links you with. I’m am a happily conflicted LaForge/Janeway, while you are none other than James Tiberius Kirk. Now with Shat-ner Ac-tion! (I’m partial to ‘Rocket Man’)
-Father Toast
Hmmmm…given these percentages, I’d wonder if `can’t make a decision’ should be on the list…
Extroverted (E) 56.67% Introverted (I) 43.33%
Sensing (S) 64.29% Intuitive (N) 35.71%
Feeling (F) 57.14% Thinking (T) 42.86%
Perceiving (P) 63.89% Judging (J) 36.11%
Your type is: ESFP
ESFP – “Entertainer”. Radiates attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever. Fun to be with. Very generous. 8.5% of the total population.
btw – thanks for being willing to help with the auction last night – they ended up having some committee members taking pictures. Seth went above & beyond, though, and was the auctioneer’s assistant after the actions of our chairman totally freaked out the auctioneer. Good one Seth – I’ll tell you all about it later.