It has begun. They erected a 25 foot high fully-tinseled and balled Tannenbaum in the lobby of my office building last night. There are lights and wreaths and boughs also. I walked in this morning just before 7am and stood there for a moment, stunned. I completely forgot about the decorative implications of mid-November. At least I don’t have to listen to looped Christmas music in my cubicle or anything.
Nothing kills the Christmas spirit like having it forced upon you without your consent, day in and day out, for over a month.
Surprises like that can be nice surprises.
Being the one here at work who will probably be the only one to have any sort of holiday decorating done, no such surprises will be in my future.
so my father’s flower shop closes the store the first weekend after hallowe’en to redecorate for christmas. yes. insanely early (like your work). i think thankfully they dont have to play xmas music until at LEAST december rolls around. thank goodness i only ever work there the week before xmas. if i had to put up with carols and evergreen for a whole 2 months, i would probably never celebrate xmas again.
The reason I now loathe christmas music stems from a job in highschool. It was christmas music time from December 1st through January 1st, with a limited selection. I know all the words to all the cheesy songs.
In an unrelated note, my friend Robyn is terribly afraid she will be mauled by pandas…