Sleeping Sickness

I’m becoming a napaholic. I think it’s Wesley’s fault; all this putting on weight is making her exhausted, so she’s turned even more narcoleptic than cats usually are. She must be up to sleeping 23 1/2 hours a day by now. And I’m going down with her.

I completely failed to make it out of the house last night and conked out for a five hour nap after work. Then woke up just long enough for Alastair to come over and pick up the artwork by Kagan that I bought for him, drop off Heavy Liquid in hopes of making me a Paul Pope convert (not happening) and have a cup of mint tea.

Today I slept ALL DAY, with the exception of dragging my butt down to Queen Street to meet Justin Van Leeuwen (son of the owner, Ron) and get my quote-unquote part-time hours for next week. Holy mother, am I going to be tired! I work Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Good thing I’m getting my rest now.

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