
I’ve been sleeping like crap lately. Drinking too much caffeine, not talking to folks, worried about having two jobs. Last night I did the right thing and had a glass of warm milk with Bailey’s before bed. Out like a light!

Which lead to the most awesome dream…
I’d decided to go back to school for my Doctorate, and was shopping for schools that had good programs in Comic Book History. The faculty at this one Caribbean University was amazing, and since they’d offered me a huge scholarship, I got them to fly me out there, with extra tickets to bring my friends along as well.

We took a tour, which ended in us going diving off the pier, except I have water-phobia and needed help. My friend Amy had some sort of neat propeller-device that let us tour this coral lagoon at high speed, and she drove while I got to look down like a snorkeller at the reef and all these freaky underwater creatures.

When I got hauled out of the water afterwards, I discovered I was covered in barnacles. To relax after all the excitement, we retired to the beach with some rum beverages while I completed my application and submitted my thesis proposal.

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