My first locked entry.
My secret shame.
Know what it is?
Season Two of Dawson’s Creek on DVD!!! December 16th, baby. My $45CDN is in the mail.
Also, (less shameful) Season 1 of Space Ghost.
*super excited* / *deeply ashamed*
My first locked entry.
My secret shame.
Know what it is?
Season Two of Dawson’s Creek on DVD!!! December 16th, baby. My $45CDN is in the mail.
Also, (less shameful) Season 1 of Space Ghost.
*super excited* / *deeply ashamed*
I bought the Extended DVD of the finale the day it came out. Oh yes I did.
I never knew this about you.
Suddenly I feel so, so much less guilty about exposing you to 7th Heaven…
If you watch them back to back, I hear that the phone will ring and someone on the other end tells you will die exactly 50 years from the end of the last episode on the DVD.
And you, with your 7th Heaven fixation. If I meet any of the cast members on the street, I am going to run screaming at them. Then I will stop inches from their cowering form and walk calmly away as if nothing had happened. That’ll fix em.
…and it doesn’t even involve turnips.
Hmm. Perhaps it *should* involve turnips.
Yes, that will be my ‘tweak’ — if *I* run into any of the cast members of 7th Heaven, I will pelt them with turnips until they agree to renounce their heathen ways and worship vegetables.
Then God will probably strike me down for offending those who praise the glory of his righteousness.
But it’ll be worth it for those few precious moments with the turnips.
That “someone” wouldn’t happen to be YOU, now would it?
And you wouldn’t be dealing out death to me at age 75 with your powerful, flawlessly preserved, HERMETICALLY SEALED LEFT HAND, now would you?!?
Actually, I will die at exactly 60, or until I meet Sarah Mclachlan. Whichever comes first. The second only because I believe my heart will fall out of my chest when I meet her and that’s not generally a thing one survives.
But, yes, my hermetically sealed hand… will live on….. and fifteen years after my death, will still roam the Canadian provinces, dealing Death and Turnips to 7th Heaven Cast and watchers who mix Dawson’s Creek and SpaceGhost. Moogly googly!
Perhaps we could have a tag-team arrangement. I run screaming at them, then I run back to you, tag out, and you can resume my spot in the ring whilst chucking turnips? This sounds most satisfying… I am sure we could sell tickets for a modest price of $75 American per event.
PS. I get dibs on shrieking at Ruthie though. I hate that little beast. She reminds me of the vampire Claudia of the Anne Rice series – a creepy little grownup sociopath stuck in a child’s body mouthing adult phrases. *shudder* ugh, Ruthie.