
Hey, guess who has too many jobs?

I haven’t updated for 2 days. No time. I am soooo going to be “sick” for day-work tomorrow. I just need one vacation day. Some might say this is setting a bad precedent. To those people, I say, I need time to wash my hair. And get my boots repaired. And do laundry. And sit down.

One thought on “Slacker

  1. I told my students that reading comic books guaruntees a life free of sexually transmitted diseases, and sex, for that matter. They just glared at me blankly, as if to say “Duh, we know you read comic books and are not currently experiencing coitus”. Except I don’t think they know what ‘coitus’ is. I have defined it a few times. *shrug* I should order some of these next time and pass them around…

    “It makes you think”, 15-year-old, Norfolk

    Truly, inspired words, from a teenager, who knows how to think.


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