And now, to dumb it down a little…

I am having the strangest craving to watch a really mindless Sandra Bullock film (something like ‘While You Were Sleeping’, or maybe ‘Miss.
Congeniality’) while mowing through a whole tub of President’s Choice Candy
Cane Fudge Crackle ice cream and drinking mulled wine by a roaring fire.

Is that the Christmas Spirit, or just my period coming on? I can’t tell.

If I had a paid account, I could do a poll *eyeing my MasterCard thoughtfully*

3 thoughts on “And now, to dumb it down a little…

  1. why don’t you sit down and watch ‘clueless’ instead. that’s what we’d do if i were there 🙂

    i have a paid account…i can make a poll for you, if you like. hehe

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