Not sure if I made it clear before: I don’t know the Manager I wrote that email to AT ALL. She hasn’t written me back, but when I passed her in the hall, she looked at me funny.
Here’s what my friend and OPS co-worker Jeffers thinks.
I sense a memo coming your way…
Dear Dulcet,
Please have your work station cleared out by the end of the day. We do not appreciate your zany humour, and therefore have decided it is time for you to go.
Good day,
The Ontario Government.
Time to ask Silver Snail for a raise!
On the bright side, check out the plethora of new icons! Best of all, my Imaginary Boyfriend icon is on its way. 🙂
If my experience with the public service is anything to go by (and it’s probably not), they’ll continue to look at you funny for months, and then give you an award for “innovation”.
Should you find yourself job-hunting, however, can I recommend Overqualified as a excellent resource?