Hey hey hey, it’s 7am! I am at work and paying the piper.
My, that was a refreshing 4 hours of sleep.
FYI, Toronto readers, watch out for the loud-ass TTC driver terrorizing the Bloor-Danforth subway line. He sounded like Will Ferrell on crack, hosting a Sesame Street where “U” was the vowel of the day. Amplified by the speaker system wired into the cars, he announced each stop with excruciating zeal.
“Muuuuuuseuuuuuuuum station!” followed by “Quuuuuueeeeeeeen’s Park station! and then, presumably after someone complained about the thundering volume (bless their soul), he started speaking in the creepiest ‘want-some-candy?’ whisper I have ever heard “They told me I have to speak more softly. Soft like a whisper. Saaaaaaint Patrick station’s next. Ssssssssssaint Patrick, coming up. Whispering is fun.”
I’ve never wanted to own a car before.
Bathurst line, northbound:
“Bloor: where you’ll find Honest Ed’s for all your shopping needs. This week’s special? Everything for 50 cents!”
Has to be (to the tune of Bonanza)
Dun, duh-duh-Dun, duh-duh-Dun, duh-duh-Dun, duh Dun-Das….
Dun, duh-duh-Dun, duh-duh-Dun, duh-duh-Dun, Dun-duh-duh Dundas West!
Also `there is a station that is next, and Kee-le is it’s name-O’
K-E-E-L-E, K-E-E-L-E, K-E-E-L-E, and Kee-le is it’s name-O’.
Of course, those were late at night and I was drunk – not so much with the early AM.