How badly do I need benefits, a pension, vacation and a regular paycheck, REALLY?
I hate my office job with a violent, fiery passion. Like a bobcat trapped in a rusty iron legtrap, I want to gnaw at my own brain to release myself from this cubicled hell.
Tepid trivialities! Inconsequential initiatives! Monotonous minutiae! Petty personalities promoting pathetic private priorities! Abundant alliteration!
Be like me and read fanfic during the day to break up the monotany. It’s the new black!
i thought blue was the new black.
man, i can’t keep up with girls.
It’s precisely because you can’t keep up with us, that makes girls so endlessly fascinating.
We appear to be birds of a feather: both wishing we were working with ink and illustration board when we’re trapped somewhere else to make money. I feel your pain, Kenix.
The end of the day is near. Release into comics comes soon.
i’m actually home, being british, so my time for drawing is at hand. er, not that i’m doing any.
i should really get on with that. stoopid editors and their deadlines.
“How badly do I need benefits, a pension, vacation and a regular paycheck, REALLY?”
I think the corollary to that question is `How much do you need to avoid declaring bankruptcy?’
And the answer to that question is – pretty damn bad, if you ever want to own your own shop & retreat into comic-world on a semi-permanent basis.
Alas that the office jobs suck – but they also pay your rent, allowing you to do (at least part-time) some work which you love to do, but which wouldn’t cover all your bills (no, it really wouldn’t).
Just my 2 cents – just think – if you weren’t suffering through all this now, you wouldn’t appreciate being able to do what you really want to do when you finally get a chance to do it. *And* you wouldn’t have as many `office work sucks’ stories to tell – *and* you wouldn’t have as many opportunities for alliteration. 🙂
From a fellow office `grin & bearer’ – just think – at least you don’t have to figure out “Who *does* adventure travel to Baja, anyway? I don’t want to go with company X – that time I was trekking in Nepal I got so sick on their food”.