Once again we find our young heroine mildly hungover and fully exhausted, hunched over her workstation after a night of celebration with a Snail coworker. Speculation begins as to whether comics will, indeed, be the death of her.
After work, I went to the Snail to give Sarrah her birthday chest of pirate booty and her Cap’n Jack vs. Punisher “who will win the Lady?” handmade card, which was met with great glee. Lovely Ed kindly made birthday cupcakes for her at my behest, but alas, did not notice that the peanut oil had gone rancid until it was too late. They taste oogy, and we have a dozen of them sitting in the kitchen, awaiting disposal.
After I got home, Livy came over and we hung out for a couple of hours, which was good times: we ate Thai food, drank red wine and watched bad movies.
At 10pm, I went for birthday drinks with Sarrah at Insomnia on Bloor, where I got to meet the infamous Ramon Perez, penciller for Thundercats, and discover his Mutant Power to find concealed nipples. Scaramanga came up, as you can imagine. I had many, many Strawberry martinis and shots, and stayed until last call.
But I still made it to the office on time and in working order this morning! I am Bionic Woman. Hear me mechanically roar.
I’m such a dork… I was all “Oh, Insomnia! I’ve been there!” I love being able to say that in a city that isn’t mine.
Also? It should be your city! Move here!
God, I’msoannoying. I’m even annoying myself! 😉
Toronto is the only place I’d consider moving at this point in my life. Good friends, MAC stores on every corner, subways, and you know, possibility for regular sex… what more could a girl want?
I think you should move to Toronto, too.
You would enhance my funky friend factor enormously, plus I’d have my very own make-up artist, available at all times. In exchange, we offer all the goodness you listed above, *plus* discounts on some Queen Street retail stores. You could visit me at the Snail when shopping at MAC – it’s only two doors east of us!
BTW, do you have any good suggestions for removing glitter? I bought this awesome hair-sparkle bar at Lush and tried it out last night to excellent effect, but now there’s (*#$&!@ glitter everywhere, and I won’t have time to wash my hair before work at the Snail tonight.