Gonna Wash That Glitter Right Out of My Hair

Damn. I put glitter in my hair last night, and didn’t have time to shower this morning before I left for work. Now there is glitter hella EVERYWHERE. It’s embarrassing. I’m gonna have to go into the Snail and everyone will know I didn’t wash my head today.

This fella knows how I feel. He also partook of too much tequila last night.

5 thoughts on “Gonna Wash That Glitter Right Out of My Hair

  1. If you have a brush, go into the bathroom and brush your hair like crazy. That’s really the only way to get it out with out washing!

  2. It really is incredibly long-lasting (and pretty!) but that has its positive and negative aspects. And it does get EVERYWHERE.

    I bought it at Lush on Queen (it smells nice, too); it was at the front cash. I think it’s called something like Golden Bombshell or something, and it’s just this loose puck of glitter that you rub all over your hair. It was about $9.

    I will wear it to your party tomorrow night to demonstrate its glitteriness (Note: the red glasses photo icon was taken at your LAST Mathom party!)

  3. Damn, I was afraid it would be that. I’ve been lemming after it in the worst possible way. (And when the hell would I wear hair glitter, I ask you.) Does it actually stay in your hair and not just shake off all over the universe?

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