Today was a *great* day. Hung out with my family this morning, shopping and eating and whatnot. Then I went to work at the Snail and even though it was hectic, I had fun fun fun. Sold a copy of “Lazarus Churchyard” (first comic I ever read). Met Dave from the Ottawa store. Unpacked three Predator statues without breaking them.
And then went out for a lovely pint and some really nasty horrible poutine (I’m all about healthy) with everyone at the Bishop afterwards. I even had a decent conversation with Ron, who usually intimidates the heck out of me, such that I often end our talks by grabbing the nearest restockable item from the office and running away.
Now I go forth to
And a fine Mathom party it was! Excellent crap was had by all. Now, what to do with the lovely man’s golf shirt from Jamaica…..