Arr. Here’s my booty:
One ‘Pirates of the Carribean’ DVD (courtesy
One ‘Dr. Who: Ark in Space’ DVD and awesome dalek card (courtesy Joe)
One Dave McKean Vertigo Tarot set and pomegranate (courtesy Alastair)
One watercoloured Mafia Man illustration (courtesy Chip)
One Japanese bracelet & two candles (courtesy Alyssa)
One studded white leather belt & cobweb armband (courtesy Livie)
One bottle Mozart liqueur and two crystal glasses (courtesy Mom)
One extended foray into Ramon’s pants (courtesy Ramon and Sarrah)
One promise of a gift that is “still drying” *scared* (Sarrah again)
Two months paid LJ (courtesy Cat)
Four packages of Japanese stickers (courtesy Stephen)
Twelve million alcoholic beverages, courtesy the group
I feel *loved*, and very fortunate to have such a marvelous crew.
All of you rock, and thank you to all the LJ people who posted me Happy Birthday wishes. 🙂 You are delightful; you are delicious; you are delovely.