Animated GIF Rampage


There are SO many other things I could be doing with my time, but I just can’t stop myself.

I downloaded a 15 day trial version of ULead GIF animator software, and I’m trying to teach myself all the bells and whistles before my time runs out. This is leading to me doing STUPID things like staying up until 1am when I have to work from 6:45am until 9:30pm tomorrow (first office, then Snail). AND my cousin Caius is flying through on his way home, and staying over.

I will get 5 hours sleep tonight, TOPS. Sigh. Probably just won’t bother sleeping.

In the spirit of sharing, my opera GIFs are no longer -exclusive, but are available for ALL the opera singers on my friends list. There’s at least three more of you out there, , , and maybe more that I’ve forgotten in my exhaustion.

I find myself almost HOPING to reach my 50-icon limit, an imminent problem which has been lamenting of late. I must also send props out to her for my blatant theft of her imaginary boyfriends icon template, which I twisted for the purposes of the opera crowd to display Bizet, Puccini, Verdi, Pavarotti, and Domingo.

You know what they say, Chrissy: you haven’t really made it until someone’s parodied your work. Guess what? You’ve made it!

6 thoughts on “Animated GIF Rampage

  1. Im sleepy.. but depending on if you are playing by the rules you can get the full “take your time” edition on kazaa..

    I think the best way to make em is photoshop and then imageready.. all the fun of animating gifs in one place.

    Like this one! (my icon..)

    bonus points if you know where it came from..

  2. Wow, these look great!! Thank you thank you thank you – now I’m one of the cool kids!

  3. michelle meyrink!

    Real Genius!

    For totally unconnected reasons, I’d spent a great deal of time chasing down Real Genius and Michelle info Monday. Funky.

  4. I have modeled my life on the character of Jordan. And now, I have made my very own animated GIF, to display our mutual geek pain.

    Or maybe that’s just how my life was to begin with: I watched the movie for the first time way back in the 1980s, so from a distance it’s hard to tell.

    Glad to know someone else appreciates humour such as: “This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to humans when they get too sexually frustrated.”


  5. Hi.

    I wandered over from ‘s LJ, and saw your opera icons, and had to borrow one of them (the opera rocks one.)

    I’m not an opera singer, but I’m an opera fan. 🙂

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