It’s Been Suggested…

My cousin Caius, a highly-functioning and handsome uber-geek (sorry ladies, he’s taken), has suggested that I submit my ‘Geek Appeal’ article to, a webhaven for nerds. Apparently, if they choose to post a link to it on their splash page, it will have an “amusing effect” on the number of hits will receive.

For the sake of increasing international exposure for both and I, does someone other than me feel like sending it in as a submission?

I did not realise that this listing would crash
Please don’t make Chrissy and I poor, just to make us famous.

6 thoughts on “It’s Been Suggested…

  1. First, what happens to you via your ISP if you massively and insanely exceed your bandwidth allotment? If you’ll simply go offline and can live with that, then that’s fine, but if you’ll get hit with madly increasing fees, you might want to reconsider. 🙂

  2. Your article, including all images on the page (which would be loaded for the first time if there was a direct link) is 77KB in size. appears to be hosted by the fetchingly named, a company that imposes a generous 50GB (assuming per month) traffic limit on all accounts. 50GB is 50000000KB / 77KB = ~649350. So you have room for approximately 650000 individual page hits, direct linked to the article.

    It’s difficult to guess how many people from /. would actually follow the link, but to put it in perspective, the smaller daily readership of 2,000,000 love starved geeks over at would generate ~150GB of traffic alone if they all came at once, just read the article and left. I couldn’t find the cost/GB over 50GB on, but the cost at another ISP ( is US$5/GB, so that would be US$500 for the excess 100GB, just to serve the penny-arcade crew. An actual slashdotting would be more severe.

    More likely is, you’d never make it to 2 million. An actual /.ing in progress has been reported to demand up to and over 20Mb/second, or 2.5MB every second (which in your case is a scant 32 hits every second). That sustained download is more than most smaller ISPs can handle, but claims to have in excess of 2000Mb of bandwidth available, so there shouldn’t be a problem. The real problem would be the server – if the hits came too fast the server might struggle and go down, taking you, and the rest of the sites on the shared server down; something which is forbidden in the Terms of Service.

    So, after your initial 650000 hits, each additional 500000 hits costs you US$192.50, or ~CAD$250. With those costs, a full slashdotting will likely cost in the excess of $1000. And that’s not counting normal monthly traffic, traffic from other sources and people who stick around to read more than one article..

    So. That’s my best guess as to what kind of damage may be liable for if /. picks up your story.. But you’d definately get 15mins of ‘highly amusing’ internet fame. So go on – live a little 😉

  3. Me good with words. No like numbers. Stats scary! SCARY!

    You smart like Stephen Hawking.

    Soon will need glass bell jar to contain your massive, pulsing brain.

  4. As the potential additional fees would require I give such luxuries as both eating AND paying my February rent, and the possible yanking of my site until the end of the month would be wicked frustrating for me, my authors and anyone who visits the site regularly to access the photo galleries, etc., might I humbly request that we not seek out this level of international fame? At least, not via… maybe you could repost it in your otherBlog and see how that takes the hit…?

  5. Jesus.

    Your massive pulsing jar brain must be just festering out there doing nothing on the Coast. 🙂

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