Wait a doggone second

Did I just spend as much time as I think I did, hunting down screen shots of Seth’s gift-giving scenes with Anna and Summer on the O.C. to construct a birthday card out of?
Yes. Yes, I did.

Next goal: photos of all the women from “Twin Peaks”, the TV show.

This is going to be the most messed-up pseudo-comic-book birthday card EVER.

ps – For any guys reading this: if you were a 21-year-old comic geek/video game addict, what would YOU want for your birthday? (Context: from a 26-year-old comic geek girl / employee)

9 thoughts on “Wait a doggone second

  1. Ahahaha

    Dude. You should have come to me. I have a link to the BEST screencap shot on the ‘net for the O.C., and dude, they’re big and high res(ish. for screencaps) too!

  2. I’ll be your 21-year old surrogate.

    I’m sure you can speak better to the comic geek side of things, but I can speak to the video game geek. Depending on which system he has, these are great titles, and good deals:

    Prince of Persia/Splinter Cell Double Pack (XB,PS2,GC,PC)
    Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City (Double Pack for XB,PS2, single for PC)
    Knights of the Old Republic (XB,PC)
    Soul Caliber II (XB,GC,PS2)
    SSX 3 (XB,GC,PS2)
    Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)

    For additional help, try here: http://www.metacritic.com/games/

  3. Laura Palmer, live, still pretty

    More pending, but my brain is starting to cough and sputter. I decided on a whim to drive to Albuquerque, NM, and back in one days = 16 hours of driving, more or less back to back, on three hours sleep and lots of bad coffee. There are pictures of ludicrous behaviour, a petroglyph carved by a primitive man with a baby carrot complex, and lots of spirals. Also, postcards will be sent.

  4. You drove to New Mexico?
    Hey, wait a minute, isn’t that (according to *your* geography, which appears to be about as good as *my* biology) right next to the Bahamas… maybe you should go visit my Aunt and Uncle. They’d welcome the company.

    What possessed you to go on this wacky adventure? How would a primitive man know whether or not he had a baby carrot complex? Are you *in* Alberquerque even as you write this, or back in Denver? And how could you send a postcard if you don’t even have my street address?

    So many questions. So much driving. So little sleep.

  5. you know, in some of the circles I’ve coasted through, toasters have a whole ‘nother connotation… pretty much beyond my reach in terms of preferences, though. The perils when inside jokes collide with outside casual comments.

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