
Once again I am expanding my online social circle, creating a powerful cyber-gang of my “biznatches” from both officejob and snailjob. I wanted to give them time to settle into the neighborhood before making introductions, but now they are ready.

Meet my peeps!

Fresh from a tour of the eastern provinces, where she lured sailors to their exquisite death with her siren song, comes operatic whiz kid . She likes fuschia, owns a puppy, hates wishy washy people who can’t produce & defend an opinion, and is taller than you will *ever* be, shortypants. Physically? She’s like a curly-haired, dimple-free Jennifer Garner. Mentally? She was weaned on Margaret Laurence and Carol Shields, and her CanLit knowledge is like a finely honed spearpoint that she’ll impale you on before you can say ‘Stone Angel’. Fear her. Love her. Read her.

On the street, you’d walk right by him. He’s the quintessential superhero in disguise. Writer of scripts, creator of comics, dreamer of big dreams, sleeper of long sleeps. He is above average, and he won’t let you forget it. While his sense of “good” and “bad” has been irreparably harmed by overexposure to MST3K, his association with ‘the Chin’ virtually redeems this judgemental impairment. Physically evocative of Robert Patrick in his role as the T-1000 (human form, not melty form), he has clearly been a mental blogger all his life. AAJ has taken to LJ like a fish to water, managing to have learned more about tags and GIF animation in 12 hours than I did in my first two weeks here.

So proud of my LJ creations. Yet so frightened of the monsters I’ve unleashed.

3 thoughts on “Endtroducing…

  1. And I’m all about the fear, baby.

    Thanks for the intro. Once I get my interest list up and running we’ll see whether my taste is intriguingly eclectic, or just plain bad. I am nevertheless impervious to judgement on the matter; better bad taste than no taste, I always say.

  2. Yay! Thank you.

    And as your reward… icons! Just save them and then upload them at “manage/user pictures”. As a non-paying LJ user, you’re allowed three.

    More to come in a private post for you.

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