You just HAD to have it on a Wednesday…

Happy belated birthday, !

Sorry!!! I would have wished you well yesterday, but in a string of fluke circumstances, I had a “Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace” seminar all morning, and then a big flurry of work, and then straight to the Snail to work my second shift (Wednesdays are always crazy like that for me).

So I didn’t even LOOK at LJ yesterday, and thus missed the many happy returns posted for you. And now I don’t even have time to make you a good birthday icon. 🙁

I will make amends.
*hamster in brain running triple speed*

4 thoughts on “You just HAD to have it on a Wednesday…

  1. ummm….. not to rain on caellum’s parade (happy b-day, btw, even though i don’t know you), but is that icon supposed to be you, moira, looking shameful? or a shameless cleavage shot?

  2. The photo is of me typing, actually.
    A friend was goofing around with the sepia setting on my digital camera and took it “by accident” (ahem).

    I like the dual interpretation of shamed/penitent while trying to buy favour with my cleavage.

    I was thinking more along the lines of mailing him an amusing toy or mix CD, however. My cleavage, while pretty, remains unmailable without the rest of me.

  3. Yes, that is an excellent idea. Mail all of you to Denver, preferably not in a small box, unless you leave little air holes. No worries about the birthdayage, I did go out, briefly last night, but I am going out *for real* this weekend. I couldn;t go crazy last night seeing as I have to teach this afternoon.

    Teaching while hungover or very tired = suckz


  4. I’m just crazy enough to do it. Ask around.

    Especially after the loco day I’ve had today. Honestly, the temptation to ship myself Denverwards is nearly overwhelming. But I have other things to do this weekend. Like meet your sister and her groovy boyfriend! Woot! I’m already assembling a package of local comics for Mr. McK, and after hearing Chrissy go on ad infinitum about Dao, I can’t wait to meet her.

    Enjoy your weekend of *for real* partying. With both Chrissy and I toting our cameras around, we’ll be sure to take an unnecessary amount of photographs of Saturday night and post them before the weekend’s out.

    ps – You’re a very dedicated teacher, and I admire and adore you for your values, but you’ll never end up with a tenure post at the graduate level if you can’t get past the idea of not teaching while hungover and not fooling around with your students. It’s all part of the (obscene, horrific) process. Or so I’ve been told.

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