What to do, What to do?

Seeking advice, please.

I am planning on giving myself some spiffy “Valentine’s Day hair” for this weekend, which would mean bleaching chunks and putting in pretty colours such as purple, pink, & red. Possibly a haircut also. Being a veteran of the dye, I could probably do this myself and save a ton of cash, but I’m tempted to search desperately for a last minute salon booking. Advice? Or does anyone want to help me bleach and dye?

Tonight I could go home to Oakville and visit my Mum, or try to clean my room and hunt for tax papers. Both of these things will make my Mum happy, so I just have to decide on one and go with it. I’m so conflicted!?@! What to do…

20 thoughts on “What to do, What to do?

  1. 1. Cosmetic Advice: They do a lot of funky colouring at Poison Ivy where and I go (if by “go” you mean “don’t really go at all any more”). Just DO NOT LET FABIO TOUCH YOUR HEAD. That is all. Everyone else is fine. NO FABIO. There. I’m done.

    But yeah, you probably could totally do it yourself. Most people I would not advise to try such a thing, but I have faith in you!

  2. Damn it! WHy can I not be in your city? I would love to participate in the hair dying!

  3. Damn it. Why *aren’t* you in my city?!?! I could use your expertise. Chrissy’s good, but I’m not sure her skillz are up to spot bleaching. She’d probably see the foil strips and run for the hills.

    And? And? You could do my valentine’s day makeup. I am giving serious consideration to bejewelled eyelids, a la Inara from Firefly. I’ll try to take photos.

    Grrr. I want me some Cat. 🙁 *pout*

  4. Yeah, Fabio leads an evil cult of bright and shiny people, plus he acts really stupid in that “I Cant Believe Its Not Butter” advertisement. I can believe he’s terrible at dyeing hair.


  5. Hey, Chrissy got lots of practice over NYE. SHe is damn good!


    ps. lots of practice dyeing hair.

  6. Olivia used to go to Poison Ivy. She got some nice bobs there. Never been, myself, but it’s in Kensington, yes?

    My current stylist is a punk rocker named Stacy at John Steinberg & Associates on Queen. He’s been consistently good for a long time, so I keep going back to him even though his salon charges an arm and a first born child.

    It would be so much more economically sound, but I just don’t know if I can self-administer multi-colour chunking without assistance. And I’m getting all mullet-y; a trim is definetly in order.

    (observe how cunningly I talk myself into making an appointment)

  7. I would trust smarmy-male-model Fabio with my hair LONG before I would trust Poison-Ivy-employed-him-because-WHY? Fabio with it. Dude.

  8. Dying hair, indeed. I saw those photos! There were exactly ZERO photos where bottles of peroxide littered the frame, and approximately eleventy billion photos of you and Chrissy locking your respective lips to some fine honeys.

    I may not be the Smartest Girl in Smartonia, but I know when you’re talking about smoochies! And smoochies were most definetly being discussed in that post!

  9. well… real Fabio does have nice hair? Why the hatred of Poison Ivy Fabio, who shall henceforth be referred to as PI-Fabio? Did he impart you with a truly horrific do? My hair cut was so butchered by a hair dresser that I went to a barber the same day and had the rest shaved off… I looked like a mushroom… I am feeling your pain, you of the PI-Fabio hatred.


  10. PI has two locations – I’ve always gone to the one on the edge of Little Italy (College/Bathursty). They’re more reasonably priced than most scary T.O. salons, although colour does run you a pretty penny no matter what (this is why I henna, if by “why I henna” you mean “why I totally intend to henna, and in fact have a big block of the stuff in the bathroom which I will never have time to use”).

    Gotta say, though, for the pink and purple chunking you might like to give your punk rocker a last hurrah.

  11. Oh dude. Honestly? I think he’s a CIA agent who didn’t get proper training in his undercover disguise. He acted like he’d never SEEN hair before, much less washed, combed (considering he did not attempt to comb), brushed (considering he attacked it with a brush while totally sopping wet and tangled) or GOD HELP US cut (considering he chopped entire fistfuls out of it at random) hair. What a freak.

    I am a spineless loser, so I said nothing – merely mourned my hair (and warned everyone I know).

  12. spot bleaching is fun! except for the time I turned my hair pink, but sense that is what you are going for it would be all good!

    Ooooo, bejewelled eyes! I’m going to attempt to use mac glitter in “Lovedust” for my V-day look.

  13. you didn;t ask… 🙂 I would have said ‘no’.. though painting the fingernails, ‘yes’


  14. It never even occurred to me until *just now*. But as you said, the answer woulda been no anyway!
    And we did the fingernails, did we not?

  15. I have no idea what you are talking about. It is my firm belief that little puppy dogs named Mr. Poopytime will bring our nation together.


  16. I said nothing either, I just went home, told myself I was going to wait an hour to get over the initial reaction, and if I still felt shock and horror, the hair was going bye bye. There was no way it was fixable. so it went bye bye, which wasn;t bad actually.


  17. So, this time when I got my hair cut, I had an appointment with random Poison Ivy person because Karen is away, and it turned out to be Fabio, who I *thought* was the person that you’d said was terrible, but I was too scared to say anything.

    And I think it turned out ok (at least at the time, after he’d styled it and all – now it’s a little wonky, but that’s par for the course).

    The problem is that when Karen’s not there I don’t know who to ask for, other than “not Fabio”.

  18. Honestly, the next time I go back, that’s exactly what I’m going to say. I can’t believe he’s still employed there – even though I was a spineless wimp at the time, they do need to know that he has a mad tendency toward suckage.

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