First Update in a Million Years

Now we see the truly horrifying effects of sleep deprivation. I haven’t posted since the 19th. That’s FIVE DAYS of Live Journal silence. Even when I was in the Bahamas I didn’t go that long, for goodness’ sake.

Even now, I’m too sleepy to do justice to this post. Instead, you get bullet points:

– today at lunch, met with to check out the party room at 102 Bloor as a potential stag and doe venue

– while waiting for Ms. Red, who tried valiantly to avoid being tardy, and in doing so made herself TWICE as late, got *best* latte I’ve ever had in my life at “Chaife” (can’t stop giggling about the name of that place)

– Wednesday night, worked cash at the Snail because Julie sprained her wrist, then ate dinner at Calendar on College Street with Justin, and ran into ; also discovered I have utterly lost my taste for fancy-schmancy restaurants and having wine with dinner

– afterwards, completely missed going for drinks last night with , , et al due to exhaustion and mild nausea from one glass of wine at dinner; sorry guys!

– Tuesday evening, hung out with and then transited myself northwards for my first ever successful overnight stay on a “school night” in Weston; got to work early, even!

– Monday night… did… nothing; not true, I did talk to in NYC and my friend Butler in Halifax via the wonder that is MSN

– Sunday I worked and pined a lot for Gravenhurst

– Saturday I weekend I worked and hung out with and and Chrissy and pined a little for Gravenhurst

No energy left. Promised I would stop by University College on the way home and say hello to Tim and Nona and Jana. Must stay awake. Damn circadian rhythms!

5 thoughts on “First Update in a Million Years

  1. Poor thing! *covers with blanket*

    I was going to visit the Snail soon for LotR figurines! I need some Rohan riders! Also, Gondorian brothers. And hobbits.

    *makes gimme hands*

  2. I think the longest you went without Live Journal in the Bahamas was, ooh, 5 SECONDS!?! 😛

  3. Sorry about your sleep deprivation – that sucks. In the great cosmic balance, I appear to have been stealing sleep from others (from the Gods? Am I Pro-Sleep-eus?) this week in order to cope with the Plague. Unfortunately, my nigh-on 30 hours of sleep over the last 48 hours still hasn’t rid me of the plague -*and* I haven’t had a chance to give you the update on G-Hurst from last weekend. Alas! We’ll have to get together soon & do that. Feel better – good luck with the sleep!

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