Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

For some unknown reason I had chalked that entire party up to Thursday night, and assumed I had already posted about it.


Friday night was just as a Friday night ought to be. , and I piled over to and house to party with them and the Dutch-boy clan (gotta love the Dutch!) of T-odd and his little bro, David and David’s lovely girlfriend whose name I am blanking out on totally (damn you, brain!). David remembered me from our undergraduate years in a freakish coincidence, and brought up the whole terrible “chubby bunny” incident, which I have now spent the better part of a decade trying to live down. Oh, the shame.

There was copious junk food (including those new Quebec Four-Cheese chips – JVL, they aren’t as awesome as they looked on TV, although they do make me speak in a fake French accent), alcohol, straws with little umbrellas, speculation about one-way mirrored ceilings, guy friends, girl friends, homemade vegetarian lasagna (thank you, , downloaded Star Wars shorts from ifilms.com, movie watching in the form of ‘Free Enterprise’ (actually really good, with an excellent script), awesome high-speed lightsaber duels in the middle of Markham street in the dark… words do not do that party justice.

Here, check out the photos!

Oh, and check out my newly un-singled bio.

Hey, Chrissy! As, uh, the Internet is my witness! I WILL complete one more essay for themusesbitch.net while Justin is on another continent, and therefore not distracting me. So it is written; so shall it be done.

3 thoughts on “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!

  1. There are a WHACK more photos on their way… just waiting for photo permissions and time to add them to the database (for some reason, work is being all worky today).

    HA! The internet IS your witness! I anxiously await new Moira articlage.

  2. There are two things I can’t stand:

    1) People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and
    2) The Dutch


  3. Probably more fun than my turbo road-trip to Ottawa to visit with my cousins and psycho Aunt & Uncle who were in town.

    Picture it – 8 *drunk* Cannings playing Cranium – there’s a recipe for ugly.

    I’m glad you had a good weekend – sorry I didn’t get back to you on Thursday – was having a crazy pre-long-weekend day (which has, of course, been followed up by several crazy post-long-weekend days…sigh).

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