No, really, who wants to get interviewed for
I NEED to write a damn article, here, people. If none of you volunteer, I’m going to have to interview my Mum about what a horrible child I was/am.
Don’t make me do that interview, man.
That way, I won’t have to feel guilty about not writing anything. 😉
Or mebbe you’d like to find someone more interesting. 🙂
Uhh…What sort of interview? Actually, it probably doesn’t matter, I’ll do it anyway.
Melly, if thee and me cannot find something interesting to talk about that will stimulate and fascinate the internet population, then I will be *shocked*. Shocked *and* appalled.
We could do a serious piece and discuss / compare our nasty medical experiences with vision loss.
We could pursue a perennial favorite, sex, with a focus on specific personal kinks. I always enjoy a good, vigorous debate on toe-sucking.
Or we could do experiments, like trying to bake something blindfolded. Or a two-person gardening jaunt. Or a three-day house exchange, where I have to commute to my work from your house, and you have to commute to your work from my house.
Or we could discuss phobias, such as are you more of a spider-hater, or a lizard-hater, or a shark-hater, or a heights-hater, and why?
Or travel experiences. Family upbringing. Favorite ways to relax. Reactions to anger.
You choose your topic. We will make it interesting.
I haven’t publicly humilated myself in over a week, so I guess I’ll volunteer.
Specifically for you?
I have to admit, it’s a toss-up.
I think it would be fascinating to take a look at how you learned home-recording and mixing all on your own. I’m really curious about the history and extent of your musical adventures learning various instruments and software and singing.
But then, I could easily do a piece on you called “Fickle: A History of the Best Thing Ever”, just mapping out whatever you’ve managed to become briefly obsessed with over the years and what stuck and what didn’t (duck paintings, wrestling figurines, mail-order tea, super-eight cameras, the banjo, Lounge music, Zubaz pants, McSweeney’s, etc etc).
Or, you know, whatever you like, really. 🙂
Hrm. I think the medical one would be interesting.
Are you comfortable with that one?
Always one to help out a friend in need. I too volunteer.
Hmm…I think ‘Fickle’ would work better, as all I would really have to say about home recording is “Uhh, I don’t know, I just sort of Forrest Gumped my way through until I learned how to do some stuff.”
Speaking of the best thing ever, allow me to recommend It is very funny. Well, that depends. If a band covering Beatles songs in an unbelievably spot-on impression of the style of early Metallica sounds funny to you, then you will think it is very funny.
Anyway, yeah. We will have to get on the phone one of these nights. I should be around, give me a call and we’ll talk, you know, no big whoop.
why anyone would want to read about the musings of a history geek is beyond me, but since everyone else is doing it….hehe…sure, why not?